Enjoy some great rock climbing in the Gunks, near New York City, on this half-day adventure with one of our AMGA certified guides.
1/2 Day
Apr - Dec
Sometimes you just need to get away from the city, even if it is just for a short time. That is why we are offering this fantastic half-day rock climbing trip in the Gunks, just a few hours away from New York City.
There are two available sessions of this trip. There is a morning session which goes from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and an afternoon session which goes from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm. As a result, there should be no problem accommodating even the busiest of schedules. And because this trip is open from April right into mid-December, there is an abundance of options available to you. Some examples of where we can go include the Minnewaska State Park and the Mohonk Preserve.
After selecting the session you want, after arriving at the Gunks, you will get to climb at your own pace. There will be no rush and no stress. Instead, with the help of a certified guide, you will get to scale an amazing cliff that will suit your preferences and skill level perfectly. And don’t worry about climbing equipment, as we will supply you with all you need.
If spending a few hours climbing cliffs in the quiet and peace of the Gunks’ vast, natural landscape, sounds like the perfect escape then this trip is for you. To be a part of it, just send a request and we’ll happily take care of the rest.
If you would like to spend more time climbing in the Gunks, we also offer this 2-day rock climbing course.
Meeting point
Alpine Guide
AMGA Certified Alpine and Rock Guide, New York State Licensed Guide, Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician, AIARE (avalanche training) Level I, II and III, Leave No Trace Master Educator, General Class Amateur Radio Operator -KC2IZD, Eagle Scout. Author of "An Ice Climber's Guide to the Catskill Mountains", and co-author of "A Rock Climber's Guide to the Peter's Kill Climbing Area".
I began climbing in 1988, and guiding in 1991. My first visit to the Gunks was during Columbus Day weekend in 1990. After a good number of return visits, I began guiding here in the fall of 1995 commuting (from my hometown in PA) for work until moving here in 1997. During the season of 1997, I worked part time at Rock and Snow until becoming a Level One Certified Rock Guide in October. From then on, I have guided full-time and consider myself lucky to be able to make a career out of guiding. I have shared the experience of climbing with many guests at many different locations throughout the country - some guests have climbed with me regularly for over 20 years. Over that time I have swapped leads, shared experiences, grown friendships, and set future climbing goals.
While I enjoy all types of climbing, I prefer the solitude, self-reliance, and commitment you gain from climbing traditional multi-pitch routes.
I strive to offer the most professional services possible, and continually work on improving my standards. I have been involved with the AMGA since 1993; participated in the Basic and Advanced Rock Guides courses, successfully completed two rock exams - Level One and Rock Guide, participated in both the Alpine and Advanced Alpine Guides courses, successfully completed the Alpine Exam, and continue to work toward my ski certification. I served two full terms on the AMGA Board of Directors (2009 - 2015) and Accreditation Committee, and as an instructor for their Rock Instructor and Single Pitch Instructor Courses.
Very knowledgeable guide, John, was positive and hard-working. Felt safe and had an excellent experience
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