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6-day ski tour in Finnmark, Norway

6-day ski tour in Finnmark, Norway
6-day ski tour in Finnmark, Norway
Guided Ski tour in Finnmark
6-day ski tour in Finnmark, Norway
6-day ski tour in Finnmark, Norway

Come enjoy a ski touring program from a lodge in the fjords of Finnmark, in the north of Norway, with a certified mountain guide.



6 Days

Mar - May




  • Enjoy sliding in fantastic slopes surrounded by fjords.
  • Discover a wild area with an amazing snow quality.
  • Stay in a comfortable house in a nice village.
  • Customize the trip according to your level.


If you truly love skiing, then you've probably dreamed of skiing in northern Norway. During this amazing 6-day ski tour in Finnmark, we'll explore the most amazing slopes surrounded by fjords and almost reaching the sea with our skis.

The Lyngen Alps are the most popular ski destination in Norway, but they are perhaps a little too popular nowadays. If you are looking to discover a wilder area, beautiful and with great snow, Finnmark is the right place for you!

I've been skiing and organising trips in different Norwegian regions since 2008. The focus has always been the same: finding great spots with few skiers! I always choose lesser-known destinations where I have friends who can make the trip as special as possible.

Finnmark is a region of mountains and fjords that is a 3-hour drive away from the renowned Lyngen. For beginner ski tourers, the options from easy to moderate terrain are many, always with great sea landscapes. More advanced terrain is also available, of course. In Finnmark, you'll find 4 different fjords within a 30 min drive, which provides a great diversity of views and terrain!

I have planned a truly amazing trip for you. Not far from the Lyngen Alps, but far from the crowds! You can set up your own private group (max 6 persons per guide) or join a group of other people who have already registered with me.

We will be staying in a comfy house in the heart of a nice and small village. A fjord is just nearby. A new adventure awaits every day as we'll be only a short drive away from different skiing spots. We can also take fishermen boats and sea kayaks (weather allowing) to get to the base of the slope.

There are numerous options to choose from when skiing. Easier or steeper slopes, short trips or longer days, tree skiing, couloir skiing or even glacier skiing. We'll choose a different option for you each day but there is one thing you can count on: breathtaking settings! Picure huge fjords, the sea meeting the horizon and charming little villages. I can also easily organise fishing in the fjords or dogsledding tours if you like!

All levels are welcome. It's a region of many possibilities, and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for. Take into account that we will be walking from 2 to 5 hours every day, so a good fitness level is required.

I strongly recommend you to read this article - Finnmark, the ski trip of a lifetime – which includes reviews from skiers who came to Finnmark with me through Explore-Share.com in the spring of 2016.

I invite you to come with me for a week and discover this true ski touring gem in Norway.  Welcome to paradise! 

Want to explore other spots in Norway? I also offer skiing programs in northern Norway (Senja, Tamok) and in Romsdal, which is easily reached by train from Oslo (fantastic mountains and lodging in a beautiful hotel!).

Backcountry skiing in Finnmark

The region of Finnmark is located 200 km east of Lyngen. Ski touring in Finnmark (Alta) is about wilderness, powder snow, breathtaking views and solitude: a dream spot for skiers. Mix Ski touring with kayaking, biking, dog sledding and have a one-week nordic adventure.

The spot where we ski is on the western part of Finnmarkskollektivet, a huge area with very few skiers. Because this spot is still less popular than Lyngen, accommodation is cheaper than around Tromso.

The mountains are 1200m high tops. During our 6-day ski tour, we will generally start from sea level and, with the long days in April, we will be able to do many different peaks in a week. It's often possible to ski two peaks a day if you've got the stamina.

We will stay in a big house close to the water, and use different means of transportation (cars, ferries, boats or sea kayaks) to approach our day's ski playground.

Price includes

  • Accommodation included
  • Guiding fee
  • Dinner
  • Transport during the trip

Price details

  • Price : the price mentioned above is the price you will pay if you are in a group of 6 skiers. Price will be higher if the group has less than 6 participants. You can either book a private tour or join other skiers who have booked individually with me.
  • The price doesn't include drinks, kayak rental, flight to Alta or personal insurance. Breakfast and Lunch not included.


More info

  • Equipment list:

CLOTHING : -Underwear, wool preferably -softshell jacket -gore-tex hardshell, jacket and pants -a thin down jacket for touring -a warmer down jacket -2 pairs of gloves (thin / thick) -neck protection -hat -sunglasses -goggles

SKI GEAR: -Touring skis and bindings -Climbing skins -Ski crampons -Ski poles -Backpack, 30 to 40 liters -Touring boots YOU CAN HIRE EQUIPMENTE ON SITE IF YOU NEED TO.

OTHER: -headlamp -bottle -thermos bottle -small tool, like swiss army knife -a piece of foam mattress, big enough to sit on it. -first aid kit, your own medications, sun cream.


  • Beeper, probe and shovel

  • ABS Bag and helmet if you are used to it

  • CLIMATE: Although it is located far north, the climate in this region is not so cold. The temperatures are quite similar to those in the Alps in the same period, from -10°c to quite warm. Nothing extreme.

  • It is mandatory that you get an insurance for what’s not covered by our professional insurance: medical care and repatriation.

  • MONEY: A credit card is enough. If you however need some cash, there is a machine 15km away from where we live.

  • FOOD: Thanks to let me know via email your preferences for breakfast and lunch. If you have a special diet (vegetarian or gluten-free) or food allergies, let me know as well. Depending on which week, we’ll have dinners either at home or in a small café 200m away from our place. Drinks are not included and, considering the Norwegian prices, the best is to bring with you what you’d like to have.

Meeting point

At the airport of Alta where I will come and pick you up. During our ski tour, we will be based in Langfjordbotn, 1.5-hour drive from Alta airport.

About the guide

Guide profile image

Up Ski and Mountain



Mountain Guide

Founded by two IFMGA-certified mountain guides, Fred Buttard and Victor Charron, Up Ski and Mountain Guides is made up of a passionate group of guides and ski instructors.

Originally from Maurienne, in France, the team also spends several months a year skiing the mountains of Norway and Sweden, and travelling to off-the-beaten-path destinations, including Morocco, Albania and Japan.

Eric Tollund, Fabien Berrod, Jean Baptiste Buttard, Fabien Suiffet, Pauline Bermon, Oscar Wahlund, Clément Bléteau, Sylvain Rechu, Fred Buttard and Victor Charron are the members of our amazing team :) Get in touch with us and let's explore the mountains together.


Norwegian | Swedish | French | English



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What people are saying about this trip


Bonjour Pauline et Fred, Je suis très heureux de prendre un moment aujourd’hui pour vous écrire. Le séjour au Finnmark été exceptionnel. Clément est un excellent guide. Très dévoué, soucieux de rendre l’expérience agréable, Clément est vraiment très talentueux et dévoué. Sa personnalité est agréable, il est à l’écoute de nos besoins et démontre, malgré son jeune âge, un haut niveau de compétences et de savoir-faire. Son enseignement sur recherche de victimes suite à une avalanche est de loin, la meilleure formation que j’ai reçue à ce jour. Les paysages du Finnmark sont exceptionnels, nous avons été particulièrement chanceux pour les conditions météorologiques. Nous avons vraiment eu le loisir d’admirer ces magnifiques paysages de montagnes entre ciel et mer. L’expérience de groupe a aussi été excellente, la chimie entre les participants-es a été fort agréable. Nous avons vraiment passé de bons moments ensemble.  Je vais très certainement voyager avec vous dans le futur, l’expérience a été extrêmement positive. Au plaisir de nouvelles aventures !!! Serge


Un labyrinthe de fjords enneigés, des pistes immaculées donnant directement sur la mer... Le Finnmark est réellement un fantastique terrain de jeu pour le ski de rando, un paradis suspendu entre mer et ciel. Il y a très peu de skieurs et la nature est à couper le souffle. L'organisation pourrait être déplorable qu'il serait difficile de gâcher le voyage... Mais l'organisation n'est pas déplorable, au contraire: Fred et sa petite équipe mettent tout en oeuvre pour en faire non seulement une semaine de bon ski, mais aussi un temps convivial, spontané. Ils ont de bonnes relations sur place et sont flexibles, ce qui ajoute beaucoup à l'expérience. Je recommande chaudement!


Ce voyage est l'occasion de vivre une expérience unique entre copains, qui soude et crée des souvenirs à vie. Les activités, que ce soit la randonnée, le ski, le kayak ou les chiens de traîneaux, sont si prenantes que l'exaltation générale en résulte souvent. Les petits moments de pause sur un sommet ou sur le bord d'un fjord, ou les longues papotes pendant les ascensions sont des moments privilégiés entre amis. La montagne demande aussi d'être attentifs les uns aux autres, et même parfois de s'entraider. La beauté des paysages est telle que l'on s'émerveille à chaque moment, à chaque virage. On est entourés à 360 degrés de montagnes couvertes de neige et de fjords d'un bleu profond, à l'infini. Cela procure un sentiment de bout du monde car on ne croise pas grand monde sur son chemin, les petits villages de pêcheurs semblent s'être arrêtés et l'on aperçoit parfois l'océan qui mène au pôle nord. La beauté de ces panoramas inspire à la réflexion qu'on peut laisser foisonner en gravissant les sommets. Une expérience hors du temps et de nos réalités quotidiennes. Le ski est de grande qualité, et il y en a pour tous les goûts et tous les niveaux: petits couloirs étroits aux sommets, longues pentes de poudreuse, ski à travers les arbres. Le programme peut convenir à tous car il est modulable. Les journées sont longues et on a donc l'occasion de prévoir une dernière petite ascension pour les plus motivés. J'ai eu un sentiment de sécurité très élevé pendant le séjour grâce à la qualité du guide, Fred. L'exposition aux avalanches est faible.


I had the best time skiing with Fred and a really great group of French ski tracking afficionados in Norway this week. It was my first time climbing up an average 800-1000m of mountain every day - VOW!!! Not always easy for a newcomer but thanks to the exceptional care of Fred and the encouragement of Oscar, who ended up as my personal trainer/guide, I did it - even with one ski slipping off at the peak one day!!! The landscape in Northern Norway is exceptional, out of our 7 days 6 were totally sunny, there was still plenty of snow, the contrast of the white mountains, the deep blue-turquoise fjords, kajaking along them and feeling like diving into them when coming down the peaks - all totally unique. A DEFINITE MUST GO for anybody who hasnt!!!


Une semaine de fou … Fred nous a rappelé que le ski ne se limitait pas à un enchainement de pistes bleues ou noires. Au cours d’une semaine de rêve, il n’a eu cesse de nous faire part de son amour de la montagne et de la nature. Paysages indescriptibles, quiétude, plaisir de la rando, parcours inexplorés … et couloirs et autres pentes plus abruptes. Profitant de ces divers aspects, le non initié devra mordre sur sa chique à l’une ou l’autre reprises, le randonneur invétéré pourra parfaire ses connaissances et techniques, Fred prodiguant toujours le juste conseil. En fin de journée, retour au cabanon. Apéro, pêche, chien de traineau, gastronomie locale (il existe au moins deux bon plats !) ou barbecue au bord du Fjord … à une époque où le soleil ne s’y couche jamais. Le rêve, oui !

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