Five days to improve your skills and discover some of the most beautiful landscapes in Europe. Come climb Mont Blanc (4810m) with one of the IFMGA-certified guides in the E-S Adventure Guides Team.
5 Days
Jun - Sep
Let me invite you to live 5 great days in Mont Blanc. As you may know, it is one of the most beautiful mountains in the world.
Mont Blanc is the summit that every climber should reach at least once in life. It is an iconic symbol of the mountain above Chamonix, Saint Gervais and Courmayeur. In addition, its ascent allows mountaineers to try a unique alpine experience and enjoy the magical scenery of the Alps.
As for the itinerary, we can take the French routes (Goûter hut or Cosmiques) or the Italian one (Gonella Hut). But first we will dedicate 3 or 4 days to an acclimatization. It will also work as a technical preparation while enjoying a breathtaking landscape through glacier walks.
I generally recommend to do this ascent in 5 days in order to maximize our chances of reaching the summit. The few days before the ascent are designed for your body to get well acclimatized. Please note that Mont Blanc is not for beginners.
The best time to climb Mont Blanc is usually between the months of June and September.
At the bottom of this page you will find the program I usually offer. It’s only a sample itinerary. The chosen route will depend on weather and snow conditions as well as on your preferences and physical level.
So please contact me if you find this 5-day ascent in Mont Blanc interesting. It’ll be my pleasure to be your guide.
Ready for a Mont Blanc ascent? Make sure you read our blog post with everything you need to know about climbing the most famous mountain in the Alps: https://www.explore-share.com/blog/mont-blanc-climb-facts/.
Meeting point
Au départ de la vallée de Gressoney, télésiège jusqu'au col de Bettaforca. Puis 3 heures de marche pour atteindre le refuge. Dénivelé positif : 860m.
En partant du refuge Quintino Sella, nous irons au refuge Gnifetti en passant tout près du Lyskamm (4272 m), sommet emblématique du massif du Mont-Rose. Temps de marche total : 5 heures. Dénivelés : + 690m / - 640m.
Départ du refuge le plus haut d'Europe à travers un paysage de glaciers. Descente avec l’aide des remontées mécaniques. Logement dans un hôtel ou un B&B. Temps de marche total : 10 heures. Dénivelés : + 1000m/ - 132 m.
Montée depuis Les Houches en empruntant le train à crémaillère jusqu'au Nid d'Aigle. Un sentier facile nous mène au glacier de Tête Rousse, puis nous ferons une courte pause dans le refuge du même nom. Ensuite, nous emprunterons l'éperon de l'Aiguille du Goûter pour rejoindre le refuge du Goûter. Nuit au refuge (3817 m). Temps de marche : 5 heures. Dénivelé positif : 1020m.
Départ du refuge à 4h du matin vers le Dôme du Goûter. Courte descente jusqu'au col du Dôme, traversée du plateau glaciaire et montée de plus en plus prononcée jusqu'au refuge Vallot où nous ferons une courte pause. Ensuite, nous nous approcherons de l'arête des Bosses. C'est à ce moment que nous prendrons la crête vers les rochers de la Tournette et ensuite l'arête finale, avec la récompense au bout puisque finalement le sommet apparaîtra. En arrivant au sommet, une petite séance photo, une vue d'ensemble et on entamera la descente. N'oubliez pas que lorsque nous arriverons au sommet, nous serons à mi-chemin, une grande concentration sera toujours indispensable ! Il nous faudra environ 2,5 heures pour rejoindre le refuge du Goûter.
Après une courte pause, nous nous lancerons dans la descente vers l'Aiguille du Goûter pour revenir au Nid d'Aigle et ensuite, dans la vallée. Durée totale : 10 à 12 heures. Dénivelés : + 1000m et -2020m.
More info
What experience and how fit do I need to be to climb Mont Blanc?
Climbing Mont Blanc is a challenging and demanding activity that requires a high level of physical fitness, experience, and technical skills. It is not for recommended beginners or those who are not in good physical condition.
What is the best time of the year to climb Mont Blanc?
The best time to climb Mont Blanc is between the months of June and September when the weather is generally more favorable. However, the weather can change quickly in the Alps, so it is important to be prepared for all conditions.
What is the itinerary for this 5-day climbing program in Mont Blanc?
Days 1-3: Acclimatization and technical preparation, including glacier walks and mountaineering skills training.
Day 4: Ascent to the summit of Mont Blanc.
Day 5: Descent from the summit.
What's included in the price?
The guiding fee is included in the price
What is NOT included in the price?
Please note that the following expenses are not included in the price of the 5-day climbing experience:
Additional expenses:
What are some recommended accommodations near our adventure location?
Mountain Guide
Gauthier and his team of IFMGA/UIMLA-certified mountain guides, leaders, and rock climbing instructors (including Ann Laure, Antoine, Claire, Christophe, Damien, Guillaume, Ivan, Jeremie, Julien, Leo, Nolwenn, and Willy) are among the top outdoor adventure professionals in Europe.
Whether you wish to climb some of the most iconic peaks in the Alps, explore the best climbing spots in Belgium, scale the stunning cliffs of Les Calanques, or embark on an exciting bouldering adventure in Fontainebleau, they will guide you to the top locations and teach you the ropes to ensure an unforgettable and safe experience.
Gauthier will be your main point of contact throughout the booking process, assisting with any questions to ensure you receive the highest quality guiding service.
Choose one of the featured programs from E-S Adventure Guides and start planning an awe-inspiring mountain experience today!
| Italian | French | English
Climbing in the Mont Blanc atea with Elis, first time climbing, had an amazing time, with a good learning curve through the peaks, very professional help from Elis, would highly recommend
I met Elis and Silvia at Rifugio Teodulo, during one of their wonderful team trips, and I understood at a glance that they are really extraordinary people to hang around with. Their love and respect for nature and mountains fulfilled my heart.
We had a mountaineering trip with Jacopo on the Monte Rosa Massif. It was a great! Our guide is very knowledgeable and we learnt so much from him. He is also quite responsible and trustable, he made everything well-organized and plan the trip according to the weather condition. We will definitely rate this a 5-star trip with Peakshunter mountain guides.
The trip included a climb on Gran Paradiso and Mont Blanc by Italian guides. Prior to the trip, I had asked twice if my trip could be rescheduled to the following year because we had heard of safety concerns on Mont Blanc and my main climbing partner was not able to come so my wife was filling in (and she did not have experience climbing big mountains). I did not get a reply on those questions, so rather than lose the money entirely, we decided me must try. Long story short, she got altitude sickness on Gran Paradiso so Month Blanc was definitely out. PeaksHunter staff informed me that not only could I not get a refund (which is understandable), I could not reschedule the Mont Blanc portion to the following season (a question I had earlier asked and not been answered). If you are looking to climb Mont Blanc, I would highly suggest looking at French only guides, as there are a LOT of hidden fees with PeaksHunter and their policies are not at all customer friendly. To be fair, I should note that PeaksHunter showed excellent hospitality with scheduling rooms and alternate plans for us, but in the end, I paid for a climb on Mont Blanc, and even though PeaksHunter wanted to reschedule my climb by moving a couple of days for weather reasons, they refused to work with me on moving to the next season which I think is completely unreasonable. Last, I would like to say that our guide, Paolo was AMAZING in how he looked after my wife and got her safely off the mountain when she suffered from altitude sickness. I hope the company gave him some of the money they kept from refusing to reschedule my Mont Blanc portion of the climb.
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