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Bouillon, Belgium, Guided Plant Finding Hike

Bouillon, Belgium, Guided Plant Finding Hike | undefined

Join mountain leader Thibault on a full day hike in Bouillon, where you will get to admire, collect and ultimately eat some beautiful and delicious plants.


1 Day





* Casually hike through the beautiful area of Bouillon, Belgium.

* Spend the day learning about the area's flora and fauna.

* Enjoy a wonderful meal from the plants you have gathered during the hike.


Well known for its beautiful scenery, great hiking trails and relaxed atmosphere, Bouillon is a wonderful place. However, another fantastic aspect of this place is the abundance of lush plant life that is not only magnificent to look at, but delicious to eat!

On this full day hike that will take place from approximately 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, we will explore the beautiful Bouillon area. During this trek, I will point out the different species of flora and fauna. Moreover, I will show you which wild plants you can eat. As a result, you will be able to spend the day gathering a generous amount of tasty plants. And at 7:00 pm, we will eat a delectable meal that has been prepared from those wonderful plants!

A great addition to any vacation in Belgium, this day long hike is fantastic for any nature lover. Not only will you get to see the vibrant ambiance of the area, which is at full luster in the month of August, but you will also get to learn about it. You will get a brief, but wonderfully informative lesson on which plants are edible, which can prove valuable in any future hikes you may take!

Are you interested in a scenic and relaxed hike in Bouillon? Would you like to eat a lovely meal prepared from the plants you have gathered from that hike? Then this is the trip for you. To participate, all you have to do is send me a request. I look forward to hearing from you.

I also lead a photography focused hike in the nearby village of Ollomont as well.

Price includes

- Guiding fee

About the guide

Guide profile image




Mountain Leader

Passionate about trail running, the outdoors and everything that nature provides to us, I got certified as a mountain leader by the Club Alpin Belge. I also work as a school teacher and devote my free time to my artistic pursuits.

Maps are another of my big passions. I collect them and spend hours looking at them and searching for the best itineraries in the Alps, the Andes, the Carpathians...and then I take you to explore them, running or walking.

My mission is to share with you the happiness that a high altitude lake can provide, the comfort that one can find in a rustic mountain hut and the excitement of walking along a mountain ridge. Looking forward to meeting you!


French | English

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What people are saying about Thibault



First of all our guide was not Thibault as communicated initially but Nathalie. Already when in contact with Thibault communication wasn't smooth, he only replied via the platform days after the message with very short info. I had asked several times more details about the activity but I never got them...the day before I got a message from Nathalie just giving practical tips about clothes, meteo etc I was told that we would have had orienteering challenges in teams but on the day the guide was sending instructions to get to a point via smartphone (only to me) which was quite useless because I was the only one trying to find a way. On the other hand if she wanted to do something with smartphones she would have warned us in advance so that all colleagues would have had an active one and for exemple she could have sent the messages in a chat with everybody in. Anyway the best would have been to print out for us simple maps/instructions like the ones she had. All this should have been discussed and agreed with me/us in advance...otherwise it would have been far more interesting a simple walk with a guide that knows the history and characteristics of a place and that could tell us something (this was an offered option) interesting.


Pour ceux qu’un stage/week-end organisé de Trail tente, je ne pourrais que vous recommander Trek Atout. Superbe weekend passé dans les Hautes Fagnes... 3 sorties trail sur des tracés magnifiques, super encadrement et top ambiance... plus que vivement conseillé ! Merci Thibault


Des parcours magnifiques, un we bien rempli mais juste ce qu'il faut, un niveau adapté, une guide au top et un chouette logement ! En résumé, un we inoubliable.


J'ai participé à la journée rando-photos à Bouillon ce dimanche et j'ai adoré! C'était super interessant, le cours etait très bien donné, la prof nous a super bien coaché durant la rando et l'endroit était magnifique!! Vraiment a faire!! Je ferai sûrement d'autres cours chez vous pour me perfectionner maintenant!


Il y a juste deux petites semaines, j'ai participé à un weekend rando Trek Atout... Un superbe weekend ! Ok, la météo nous a fait un super cadeau : de la belle neige sur nos Fagnes! Mais tout de même, sans le "président" rien n'aurait été pareil ! Nous avons été accueillis comme des amis, Thibault nous a emmené sur des petits chemins et sentiers magnifiques, nous avons appris à jouer au whist, nous avons partagé l'apéro, Thibault nous a préparé une (demi)soupe sur un sol enneigé, nous avons échangé et beaucoup rigolé ! Je pourrais encore allonger la liste pour les non convaincus! ... Merci encore Trek Atout! (Depuis, je m'entraîne encore plus à la course à pied en espérant un jour faire un trail avec TrekAtout).

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