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Juanito Oiarzabal


Mountain Guide-



UIAGM/IFMGA Mountain Guide from Spain

I was born in Vitoria-Gasteiz, in the Basque Country, in 1956.

I’ve climbed mountains in many continents, Europe, North and South America, Africa… But in the Himalayas is where I made my most significant ascents.

I was the sixth climber to achieve the 14 +8k summits, and the third one to do it without additional oxygen. Nowadays I have 26 +8k summits, which is a world record.

I’ve done countless climbs on my own and guiding in all the massifs of Spain and in the Alps.

I organize guided trips in the Pyrenees, Alps, and all around the world. So get in touch with me if you are interested in any kind of the mountain adventures I offer!

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English and Basque


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