Mountain Leader
Valderoure, France
I am 53 years old. I discovered the mountain world and its activities a little more than 30 years ago in the Ariège Pyrenees. I have since spent most of my free time in the mountains, until I moved there 7 years ago. I started guiding in 1990 when I arrived in the Alpes-Maritimes region as part of a small mountain club affiliated to the Mountain and Climbing French Federation. I certified myself as an UIMLA Mountain Leader in 2013 and started guiding qi-gong and discovery hikes.
I work mainly in the territory of the Prealps d'Azur. That is where I live and it’s the terrain I know. I live in Valderoure, about 45 minutes drive from Grasse. After working almost 24 years in computer science mostly in Sophia-Antipolis, I needed a return to nature, a simple life, the most autonomous and authentic possible. So I chose to settle myself in the countryside and work there.
I am a farmer-baker. I produce cereals and turn them into flour and bread. The bakery is located in the hamlet of Lattes, near Saint-Auban. Wheat grows in Collongues in the Estéron Valley. I chose to live a simple life, looking to find real wealth, living on the land, paying attention to everyday’s life, living with little, able to discover the land where I live in total simplicity.
I learn by walking. I share what I have learned and what I learn every day and I nourish myself from new encounters and experiences. That's what I would like to share with you.
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