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Argentina Extrema


Tour Operator

Buenos Aires




Adventure tourism agency formed by ISAS, EPGAMT and adventure tourism guides.

Head guide is Leandro Scheurle, rock and ice climbing instructor, wild areas lifeguard (WFR), and ISAS trekking and adventure tourism guide. He is also Instructor and lecturer at the ‘Instituto Superior Andes del Sur’ (school of professional guides).

He made technical ascents in Argentina and South America, including solo new routes in Domuyo Volcano (Neuquén), and Cerro Bonete (Tierra del Fuego).

He also write articles for magazines, blogs and websites specialized in outdoors and mountain activities.

The lead guide for AEX expeditions to Aconcagua is Daniel Adrián Cangiani, better known as "Roger". He is an EPGAMT mountain guide, WFR, rock climbing and mountaineering instructor, and professional photographer.

Most of our guides are not bilingual but can speak basic english, good enough to communicate during an expedition.

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