Rejoignez Danijela, guide certifié UIMLA et CMGA, pour une demi-journée d'escalade de niveau intermédiaire dans l'étonnant parc national de Paklenica en Croatie.
1/2 Jour
Mai - Nov
L'un des nombreux points forts fantastiques de Croatiele Parc national de Paklenica est un endroit idéal pour tous ceux qui veulent profiter de la nature. Les vues que vous aurez des vallées et des rivières du parc sont magiques. Sans oublier le frisson que procure l'escalade des murs de pierre que l'on trouve dans les magnifiques canyons du parc, Velika Paklenica et **Mala Paklenica,**est inoubliable.
L'objectif de cette cours de niveau intermédiaire de quatre heuresest l'amélioration. J'aimerais vous aider à améliorer les compétences en escalade que vous possédez déjà. J'aimerais également vous enseigner de nouvelles compétences. Ainsi, vous aurez l'occasion de devenir un meilleur grimpeur en général. Cela vous permettra à l'avenir d'escalader des parois plus grandes et plus difficiles. Par conséquent, le monde de l'escalade escalade s'ouvrira à vous d'une toute nouvelle manière.
Les participants à ce programme doivent également être dans bonne condition physique.
Il n'y a rien de tel que de faire de l'escalade dans une belle, vaste et ouverte zone naturelle. Du vent aux sons, vous éprouvez sur les rochers une sensation inégalable. Et quand on peut profiter de cette sensation dans un endroit aussi magnifique que le parc national de Paklenica, on sait qu'on est parti pour une aventure. Alors envoyez-moi une demande et venez vivre cette expérience par vous-même.
Je propose également un version d'initiation de ce programme également.
Lieu de rendez-vous
Il existe des possibilités d'hébergement confortable dans la ville voisine de Zadar que je serais heureux de vous recommander.
Plus d'informations
Les participants doivent apporter les éléments suivants : des vêtements et des chaussures confortables, une gourde d'eau, une protection solaire et des collations.
Comment se rendre au parc national de Paklenica ?
Adresse : Paklenicka ulica, 23244 Starigrad - Paklenica (facile à trouver avec Google Maps)
Types de transport :
Aéroport le plus proche : Aéroport de Zadar Ville la plus proche : Zadar (45 km) Zadar (45km)
Accompagnateur en montagne
Je suis né à Zadar, mais j'ai grandi au pied du Velebit, la plus grande montagne croate, et cela a façonné le reste de ma vie. Vivre dans la nature m'a donné tout ce dont je rêvais. Au même endroit, j'avais les montagnes, la rivière et la mer.
Je suis certifié CMGA (Association croate des guides de montagne) et guide UIMLA (2013).
J'aime explorer de nouvelles destinations, les partager avec les amoureux de la nature. Et il n'y a pas que l'aventure. En effet, je vous emmènerai découvrir les lieux en apprenant le mode de vie des populations locales et en essayant la nourriture traditionnelle locale.
Au final, mon objectif est que vous rameniez chez vous les meilleurs souvenirs de cette expérience !
Anglais | Croate
I chose the intermediate rock climbing trip with Danijela at Paklenica National Park. Without a doubt, it was the highlight of my entire trip throughout Croatia. I strongly recommend Danijela (and her assistant Ferdo) to anyone looking for a guided rock climbing experience. First, the instructions are clear on where and when to meet the guides. The trip started at 7am to beat the heat and the crowds. We stayed in nearby Zadar, which is about an hour away. Buses don't arrive that early, so . Uber is your cheapest option (unless you rent a car yourself). We had some trouble getting there, but Danijela was flexible with the time, which was sincerely appreciated. Second, the actual climbing is incredible. Danijela assessed my climbing ability and tailor-made a climbing experience suited to my abilities. I was challenged, which was exactly what I wanted. My only regret is that I did not book a longer trip, or perhaps a couple of days with the guides. They are incredibly experienced, and they gave me helpful climbing tips that I never learned climbing at my local crag. Without a doubt, they made me a better climber in the short time I was with them. Also, these guides are so knowledgeable and experienced that I never once felt unsafe. I always felt that no matter the route, they had me on belay, and my life was secure. The gear was also top quality. I have never had such a feeling of trust while climbing, and I just met them! Third, the guides are simply amazing people. We had great conversations the entire time, and they were friendly, funny, and caring. After the experience was over, they took us to a famous restaurant near the park. We were in a hurry to catch a bus (which they showed us exactly where the bus station was and when the bus would arrive), and they got the restaurant staff to serve us fast to make sure we would not miss our bus. Look no further!! BOOK THIS TRIP NOW! I cannot wait for the next opportunity I have to be in Croatia, as I already cannot wait to book another trip with them.
The staff was very friendly and extremely professional. The instructors are not only passionate outdoor specialists but also provide excellent instruction for every level of climber. My wife and I are extremely happy with the guided outdoor climbing tour and recommend everyone with different level of skills to try their 2 hour class.
Danijela was the best! From the part where we only where interested, to the part where she drove us 'home' in our own car she was full of passion, enthousiasm - she is very responsible and knowledgeable - we would highly recommend her as a reliable guide, if you visit Paklenica.
With so many 5 star ratings, it shouldn't be a surprise that we also had a wonderful time on an intermediate rock climbing trip. Our 2 guides were extremely friendly and knowledgeable. They adjusted our schedule to hit the routes we'd most enjoy, and gave great tips for building our skills. I would say this is as good as your friend taking you climbing, but your friend won't carry your gear or set your routes,so it's even better.
If you are considering climbing in Croatia, do yourself a favour and book in with Danijela and Ferdo. No matter what level you are, they are the most amazing instructors, and nicest people you will ever meet. Id go as far as to say that climbing with them was the highlight of our holiday, so much so that we were looking at plane tickets to visit again before we'd even got home. They have a level of professionalism i was super impressed with, and you felt safe with them at all times. They are incredibly genuine, and talented and passionate. You really can tell the difference when someone is passionate about what they do. For Danijela and Ferdo, the mountain is their home. They know it like the back of their hands, they respect it and everyone that visits, and then filled us with such awe and wonder, telling us all the tales of the mountain and the people who lived there, of the first climbers, and the famous climbers restaurant cafe where we got a bite to eat afterwards. They are so accommodating- me and my partner had an uber ride from hell in which a 40 minute ride became a 3 hour drive through the mountain. We were over 2 hours late, and I was panicky, messaging and apologizing, and they kept reassuring me it was fine and they waited til we got there, gave the taxi driver a talking to, and even stayed a little later to ensure we had a full experience, and drive us to the bus stop that would get us home afterwards. 100000% recommend them, and 10/10. Both me and my partner couldn't stop smiling.
Restez au courant des meilleures aventures!