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Mont Fuji - 1 jour d'escalade hors saison, guide privé



Mont Fuji - 1 jour d'escalade hors saison, guide privé
Mont Fuji - 1 jour d'escalade hors saison, guide privé
Mont Fuji - 1 jour d'escalade hors saison, guide privé
Mont Fuji - 1 jour d'escalade hors saison, guide privé
Mont Fuji - 1 jour d'escalade hors saison, guide privé

Escaladez l'emblématique Mont Fuji (3766m), le plus haut sommet du Japon, lors de cette ascension guidée d'une journée menée par Chikako, un guide local certifié par la JMGA.

En privé

1 Jour

Jui, Sep, Oct



Les points forts

  • Escaladez le Mont Fuji, une montagne sacrée et le symbole le plus emblématique du Japon.
  • Faites l'expérience d'une ascension détendue et paisible, loin des foules estivales.
  • Profitez d'une vue imprenable sur le chemin et depuis le sommet.


Le Mont Fuji (3776m), le plus haut sommet du Japon, est une montagne sacrée et un lieu de culte. l'un des symboles les plus emblématiques de ce pays fascinant. J'aimerais vous inviter à vous joindre à moi pour un... 1 journée d'escalade hors-saisonVous pourrez ainsi profiter de toute la beauté naturelle et de la paix qu'offre le Mont Fuji à cette époque de l'année.

L'ascension du Mont Fuji est un trek très populaire pendant l'été, nous éviterions donc les foules. L'ascension du Mont Fuji pendant la Hors saison offre un une approche plus détendue et plus paisibleavec moins de personnes sur les sentiers. De plus, il s'agit d'un programme avec guide privé, vous bénéficierez donc de toute mon attention.

Ce programme est disponible du début J jusqu'au 27 juin, et du 10 septembre à la mi-octobre.. Veuillez noter qu'en juin, je peux prendre jusqu'à 2 personnes pour ce programme, en fonction de la quantité de neige restante sur les pistes. En septembre et octobre, le ratio de guide est de 4 personnes maximum.

Je viendrai vous chercher à votre hôtel vers 5h00 du matin et nous commencerons l'ascension au petit matin, vers 6h00. Une fois que nous aurons atteint le sommet, nous serons récompensés par des vues incroyables. Nous serons de retour vers 17h00. N'oubliez pas que vous devez avoir une bonne condition physique pour participer à ce programme.

**Si vous souhaitez m'accompagner pour cette ascension d'une journée de cette montagne symbolique du Japon, envoyez-moi une demande et nous commencerons à planifier votre ascension du Mont Fuji.**Ou, si vous préférez venir en été, vous pouvez également consulter mes Programme d'escalade de 2 jours au Mont Fuji.

Le prix comprend

  • Frais de guide
  • Frais de guide de montagne

Détails des prix

  • Les frais de guide : 5.000 JPY (à diviser par le nombre de clients, à payer sur place en espèces)
  • Déjeuner : nous nous arrêterons pour acheter le repas du midi dans un magasin de proximité après être venus vous chercher tôt le matin.
  • REMARQUE : *des frais supplémentaires peuvent être ajoutés pour la location de matériel d'escalade si nécessaire (cela peut être nécessaire entre fin mai et début juin).
  • piolet (500 JPY)
  • casque (JPY 1,000 )
  • bâtons de marche (500 JPY),
  • équipement antiavalanche (1 500 JPY),
  • harnais (500 JPY)
  • *Veuillez apporter suffisamment d'argent liquide avec vous


Plus d'informations

Vous devrez peut-être vous munir de crampons et de bâtons de marche (500 JYP) ou d'un piolet en fonction des conditions de neige. Le transport jusqu'au début du programme peut être organisé, mais vous devez être dans la région du Mont Fuji.

Lieu de rendez-vous

À prendre avec vous

Autre équipement

Bouteille d'eau

Sac à dos

Lunettes de soleil

À propos du guide

Guide profile image




Guide de montagne

Je suis un guide du Mt Fuji et un guide de ski de randonnée, certifié par la JMGA. Je suis né à Tokyo mais je vis actuellement dans la ville de Fuji-Yoshida, située au pied du Mt Fuji. L'enseignement était quelque chose qui m'intéressait depuis mes années d'école, et j'ai donc choisi d'intégrer un collège spécialisé dans l'entraînement, l'instruction et la biologie sportive, où j'ai également commencé à faire de l'escalade et du ski en montagne. Après mon diplôme, j'ai travaillé comme patrouilleur de ski pendant 10 ans, dont 5 à l'année - Hakuba en hiver (de l'hémisphère nord) et à Methven, Nouvelle-Zélande en été (de l'hémisphère nord), et comme guide de ski de randonnée pendant 10 ans.

Mon domaine principal et préféré de guidage est sur et autour du Mt Fuji, mais le ski de randonnée est mon sport de montagne préféré ! Je guide le ski de randonnée principalement dans la région de Hakuba, mais je suis également guide à Hokkaido depuis 2 ans, et je connais très bien les régions de Furano et Niseko. Je donne aussi actuellement des cours de niveau 1 du Japan Avalanche Network sur les risques d'avalanche et la sécurité. J'aime aussi l'escalade pendant mon temps libre et j'aime partager avec vous la beauté des montagnes japonaises à travers mes itinéraires préférés, que ce soit en trekking dans les montagnes, en raquettes à neige avec un séjour à l'onsen ou en ski de randonnée dans les régions de Hakuba !

Pour moi, la montagne fait partie de ma vie. Elle m'apprend les bons et les mauvais côtés de la vie, et je veux que les invités se joignent à moi dans cet environnement pour réaliser les commodités qui nous entourent dans notre vie ordinaire et pour être reconnaissants de tout ce qui nous permet de vivre.

Je guide assez fréquemment des visiteurs étrangers. Contactez-moi si vous êtes aussi partant pour de belles aventures en montagne !


Japonais | Anglais



Demander plus d'informations

Revues avec images

The trip was extremely well organised.
Chika contacted us with advice on what we would be doing and what clothing and equipment we would need.
She emailed us regularly until the night before our climb.
When Chika collected us she was so professional and friendly.
We immediately felt that we were in good hands and that we had gained a friend as well as a guide.
She guided us to the summit of Mt Fuji which was challenging but she encouraged us and kept us going at a safe pace supplying advice, information and treats along the way. When we reached the summit she even made us a welcome hot drink.
After guiding us safely down the mountain and taking us back to the hotel we were sad to say goodbye.
The trip was extremely well organised.
Chika contacted us with advice on what we would be doing and what clothing and equipment we would need.
She emailed us regularly until the night before our climb.
When Chika collected us she was so professional and friendly.
We immediately felt that we were in good hands and that we had gained a friend as well as a guide.
She guided us to the summit of Mt Fuji which was challenging but she encouraged us and kept us going at a safe pace supplying advice, information and treats along the way. When we reached the summit she even made us a welcome hot drink.
After guiding us safely down the mountain and taking us back to the hotel we were sad to say goodbye.
The trip was extremely well organised.
Chika contacted us with advice on what we would be doing and what clothing and equipment we would need.
She emailed us regularly until the night before our climb.
When Chika collected us she was so professional and friendly.
We immediately felt that we were in good hands and that we had gained a friend as well as a guide.
She guided us to the summit of Mt Fuji which was challenging but she encouraged us and kept us going at a safe pace supplying advice, information and treats along the way. When we reached the summit she even made us a welcome hot drink.
After guiding us safely down the mountain and taking us back to the hotel we were sad to say goodbye.
The trip was extremely well organised.
Chika contacted us with advice on what we would be doing and what clothing and equipment we would need.
She emailed us regularly until the night before our climb.
When Chika collected us she was so professional and friendly.
We immediately felt that we were in good hands and that we had gained a friend as well as a guide.
She guided us to the summit of Mt Fuji which was challenging but she encouraged us and kept us going at a safe pace supplying advice, information and treats along the way. When we reached the summit she even made us a welcome hot drink.
After guiding us safely down the mountain and taking us back to the hotel we were sad to say goodbye.
The trip was extremely well organised.
Chika contacted us with advice on what we would be doing and what clothing and equipment we would need.
She emailed us regularly until the night before our climb.
When Chika collected us she was so professional and friendly.
We immediately felt that we were in good hands and that we had gained a friend as well as a guide.
She guided us to the summit of Mt Fuji which was challenging but she encouraged us and kept us going at a safe pace supplying advice, information and treats along the way. When we reached the summit she even made us a welcome hot drink.
After guiding us safely down the mountain and taking us back to the hotel we were sad to say goodbye.
The trip was extremely well organised.
Chika contacted us with advice on what we would be doing and what clothing and equipment we would need.
She emailed us regularly until the night before our climb.
When Chika collected us she was so professional and friendly.
We immediately felt that we were in good hands and that we had gained a friend as well as a guide.
She guided us to the summit of Mt Fuji which was challenging but she encouraged us and kept us going at a safe pace supplying advice, information and treats along the way. When we reached the summit she even made us a welcome hot drink.
After guiding us safely down the mountain and taking us back to the hotel we were sad to say goodbye.
We were a group of five who had the pleasure of having Chika as our guide for an off season day tour. Chika was extremely knowledgeable of Mt Fuji and spoke very good English. She set the climbing pace for the group to reduce energy expenditure and to acclimate to the altitude. She also provided emotional and mental support to a member of our group which gave her the push to reach the summit. Overall, we would recommend Chika to anyone willing to climb Mt Fuji and hope to have her as a guide again for future Japan hikes. Arigato gozaimashita!5
We were a group of five who had the pleasure of having Chika as our guide for an off season day tour. Chika was extremely knowledgeable of Mt Fuji and spoke very good English. She set the climbing pace for the group to reduce energy expenditure and to acclimate to the altitude. She also provided emotional and mental support to a member of our group which gave her the push to reach the summit. Overall, we would recommend Chika to anyone willing to climb Mt Fuji and hope to have her as a guide again for future Japan hikes. Arigato gozaimashita!5
We were a group of five who had the pleasure of having Chika as our guide for an off season day tour. Chika was extremely knowledgeable of Mt Fuji and spoke very good English. She set the climbing pace for the group to reduce energy expenditure and to acclimate to the altitude. She also provided emotional and mental support to a member of our group which gave her the push to reach the summit. Overall, we would recommend Chika to anyone willing to climb Mt Fuji and hope to have her as a guide again for future Japan hikes. Arigato gozaimashita!5

Ce que nos utilisateurs disent de ce programme


The trip was extremely well organised. Chika contacted us with advice on what we would be doing and what clothing and equipment we would need. She emailed us regularly until the night before our climb. When Chika collected us she was so professional and friendly. We immediately felt that we were in good hands and that we had gained a friend as well as a guide. She guided us to the summit of Mt Fuji which was challenging but she encouraged us and kept us going at a safe pace supplying advice, information and treats along the way. When we reached the summit she even made us a welcome hot drink. After guiding us safely down the mountain and taking us back to the hotel we were sad to say goodbye.

The trip was extremely well organised.
Chika contacted us with advice on what we would be doing and what clothing and equipment we would need.
She emailed us regularly until the night before our climb.
When Chika collected us she was so professional and friendly.
We immediately felt that we were in good hands and that we had gained a friend as well as a guide.
She guided us to the summit of Mt Fuji which was challenging but she encouraged us and kept us going at a safe pace supplying advice, information and treats along the way. When we reached the summit she even made us a welcome hot drink.
After guiding us safely down the mountain and taking us back to the hotel we were sad to say goodbye.
The trip was extremely well organised.
Chika contacted us with advice on what we would be doing and what clothing and equipment we would need.
She emailed us regularly until the night before our climb.
When Chika collected us she was so professional and friendly.
We immediately felt that we were in good hands and that we had gained a friend as well as a guide.
She guided us to the summit of Mt Fuji which was challenging but she encouraged us and kept us going at a safe pace supplying advice, information and treats along the way. When we reached the summit she even made us a welcome hot drink.
After guiding us safely down the mountain and taking us back to the hotel we were sad to say goodbye.
The trip was extremely well organised.
Chika contacted us with advice on what we would be doing and what clothing and equipment we would need.
She emailed us regularly until the night before our climb.
When Chika collected us she was so professional and friendly.
We immediately felt that we were in good hands and that we had gained a friend as well as a guide.
She guided us to the summit of Mt Fuji which was challenging but she encouraged us and kept us going at a safe pace supplying advice, information and treats along the way. When we reached the summit she even made us a welcome hot drink.
After guiding us safely down the mountain and taking us back to the hotel we were sad to say goodbye.
The trip was extremely well organised.
Chika contacted us with advice on what we would be doing and what clothing and equipment we would need.
She emailed us regularly until the night before our climb.
When Chika collected us she was so professional and friendly.
We immediately felt that we were in good hands and that we had gained a friend as well as a guide.
She guided us to the summit of Mt Fuji which was challenging but she encouraged us and kept us going at a safe pace supplying advice, information and treats along the way. When we reached the summit she even made us a welcome hot drink.
After guiding us safely down the mountain and taking us back to the hotel we were sad to say goodbye.
The trip was extremely well organised.
Chika contacted us with advice on what we would be doing and what clothing and equipment we would need.
She emailed us regularly until the night before our climb.
When Chika collected us she was so professional and friendly.
We immediately felt that we were in good hands and that we had gained a friend as well as a guide.
She guided us to the summit of Mt Fuji which was challenging but she encouraged us and kept us going at a safe pace supplying advice, information and treats along the way. When we reached the summit she even made us a welcome hot drink.
After guiding us safely down the mountain and taking us back to the hotel we were sad to say goodbye.


We were a group of five who had the pleasure of having Chika as our guide for an off season day tour. Chika was extremely knowledgeable of Mt Fuji and spoke very good English. She set the climbing pace for the group to reduce energy expenditure and to acclimate to the altitude. She also provided emotional and mental support to a member of our group which gave her the push to reach the summit. Overall, we would recommend Chika to anyone willing to climb Mt Fuji and hope to have her as a guide again for future Japan hikes. Arigato gozaimashita!

We were a group of five who had the pleasure of having Chika as our guide for an off season day tour. Chika was extremely knowledgeable of Mt Fuji and spoke very good English. She set the climbing pace for the group to reduce energy expenditure and to acclimate to the altitude. She also provided emotional and mental support to a member of our group which gave her the push to reach the summit. Overall, we would recommend Chika to anyone willing to climb Mt Fuji and hope to have her as a guide again for future Japan hikes. Arigato gozaimashita!We were a group of five who had the pleasure of having Chika as our guide for an off season day tour. Chika was extremely knowledgeable of Mt Fuji and spoke very good English. She set the climbing pace for the group to reduce energy expenditure and to acclimate to the altitude. She also provided emotional and mental support to a member of our group which gave her the push to reach the summit. Overall, we would recommend Chika to anyone willing to climb Mt Fuji and hope to have her as a guide again for future Japan hikes. Arigato gozaimashita!We were a group of five who had the pleasure of having Chika as our guide for an off season day tour. Chika was extremely knowledgeable of Mt Fuji and spoke very good English. She set the climbing pace for the group to reduce energy expenditure and to acclimate to the altitude. She also provided emotional and mental support to a member of our group which gave her the push to reach the summit. Overall, we would recommend Chika to anyone willing to climb Mt Fuji and hope to have her as a guide again for future Japan hikes. Arigato gozaimashita!




Chika was an excellent guide and I can't recommend her enough. The hike was fantastic, and Chika was so knowledgeable, attentive and, importantly, was very enjoyable to spend the day with. She set a great pace from the start and shared lots of cultural and historical information about Fuji and Japan in general. The day was the highlight of my trip.

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