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La Via Ferrata des Grands Malades à Namur avec un guide

La Via Ferrata des Grands Malades à Namur avec un guide
Grands Malades via ferrata
Grands Malades via ferrata
Grands Malades via ferrata
Grands Malades via ferrata

Christophe, moniteur d'escalade belge, vous invite à une demi-journée de via ferrata technique dans les magnifiques rochers des Grands Malades (Namur).

1/2 Jour

Avr - Oct




Au bord de la Meuse (Maas), entre Beez et Namur, on trouve les Rochers des Grands Malades. Cet endroit en Belgique était autrefois exploité pour obtenir de la roche bleue (roche de Namur), mais il est aujourd'hui restauré comme un magnifique espace vert.

Je vous invite à une demi-journée amusante de via ferrata aux Grands Malades. Ici, nous trouvons un parcours technique et varié, comprenant des ponts suspendus. Il y a aussi des sections verticales ascendantes et descendantes, une tyrolienne vertigineuse, et une descente en rappel à la fin. En outre, il est possible de le combiner avec quelques l'escalade pour l'autre moitié de la journée, également aux Grands Malades.

C'est l'un de mes programmes préférés à guider car :
- L'itinéraire est technique, varié et aérien.
- Il est possible de le combiner avec de l'escalade facile.
- Il est facile de s'y rendre et il y a un parking pratique.

Les Grands Malades est une excellente option si vous voulez apprendre quelques bases pour devenir autonome. Par exemple, comment utiliser correctement l'équipement et respecter les règles de sécurité, comment assurer votre partenaire avec une corde sur une section verticale, ou comment utiliser la corde lorsque des partenaires grimpent ensemble. Si vous souhaitez également apprendre quelques techniques de sauvetage, nous pouvons envisager d'y consacrer une journée complète.

Pour cet itinéraire plutôt technique, il est préférable d'avoir un haut du corps solide. Il est nécessaire d'être en grande forme physique en général car nous serons suspendus à nos bras à certains moments, la force du haut du corps est importante. Vous devez avoir une expérience préalable de la via ferrata ou de l'escalade avec un niveau minimum de 5b. Si vous n'avez pas cela, nous vous recommandons la Via ferrata de Pont à Lesse qui convient aux débutants.

Nous serons dans la région de Namur. Si vous êtes dans la région pour plusieurs jours, nous pouvons également faire de l'escalade dans la région de Namur. Beez ou Durnal. Ou si vous préférez ne faire que la via ferrata, nous pouvons aller à Pont a Lesse ou Landelies.

Vous avez trouvé ce programme de via ferrata aux Grands Malades intéressant ? Alors n'hésitez pas et demandez à réserver ce programme ! Je suis sûr que vous apprécierez cet itinéraire technique dans un environnement magnifique.

Si vous êtes rapide et si vous avez encore de l'énergie après avoir fait la via ferrata, nous pouvons faire de la descente en rappel et/ou une initiation à l'escalade.

Le prix comprend

  • Frais de guide

Détails des prix

  • Si vous n'êtes pas membre d'un club alpin, vous devrez payer l'accès au rocher (10€ pour les adultes, 5€ pour les moins de 18 ans).
  • La location du matériel est de 5€ par personne (beaudrier, casque, dégaines, corde, dispositif d'assurage, jeux de via ferrata).



Il y a des hôtels, des lodges et des campings à proximité.

Clause de non-responsabilité

Si je ne suis pas disponible, vous serez guidé par un autre moniteur d'escalade belge certifié.

Plus d'informations

  • Si les conditions sont favorables, nous pouvons également pratiquer la via ferrata pendant le reste de l'année.
  • Essayez de réserver au moins 5 jours avant les journées de via ferrata.
  • Cette via ferrata nécessite une première expérience en via ferrata (ou de grimper au moins 5b), une très bonne forme physique, de la force et de l'endurance dans les bras et ne pas avoir peur de la hauteur.
  • A partir de 15 ans
  • Si vous venez avec un groupe plus important, je viendrai avec un autre moniteur d'escalade.
  • Equipement : bonnes chaussures de trekking, vêtements chauds et veste de pluie (selon les prévisions), pique-nique, eau, carte d'identité, et votre propre matériel technique si vous l'avez (sinon, vous pouvez le louer avec moi).

Lieu de rendez-vous

Parking à droite de "Belisol". Il y a des transports publics dans les environs.

À propos du guide

Guide profile image

E-S Adventure Guides



Guide de montagne

Gauthier et son équipe de guides de montagne, d'accompagnateurs et de moniteurs d'escalade certifiés IFMGA/UIMLA (Anabelle, Andrea, Andrej, Claire, Christophe, Daniel, Elis, Enrico, Etienne, François, Guillaume, Ivan, Jessy, Julia, Mathis, Mitja, Olivier et Robin) font partie des meilleurs professionnels de l'aventure en Europe.

Que vous souhaitiez escalader certaines des meilleures montagnes des Alpes ou vous lancer dans une aventure passionnante d'escalade de bloc à Fontainbleau, entre autres options étonnantes, ils seront en mesure de vous montrer les meilleurs endroits et les cordes pour vous assurer une aventure inoubliable et sûre.

Gauthier sera votre principal point de contact pendant le processus de réservation et pourra vous aider à répondre à toutes les questions que vous vous posez afin de vous assurer que vous recevez le meilleur service de guide possible.

Choisissez l'un des programmes proposés par E-S Adventure Guides et commencez à planifier une expérience inoubliable en montagne !


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Demander plus d'informations

Revues avec images

My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights.

Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!5
My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights.

Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!5
My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights.

Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!5
My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights.

Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!5
My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights.

Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!5
My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights.

Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!5
My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights.

Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!5

Ce que nos utilisateurs disent de ce programme


Mauvais communication concernant le moment demandé, rien de grave mais cela a changé notre programme en dernière la minute. A part ça, contact rapide et réactif.


My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights. Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend. Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!

My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights.

Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights.

Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights.

Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights.

Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!My 12-year-old nephew and I recently spent a thrilling half-day climbing the via ferrata of Les Grands Malades near Namur, and we absolutely loved the adventure. The experience was quite challenging at times, providing us with an exhilarating dose of adrenaline. It’s definitely not for those with a fear of heights.

Our guide, Willy, was fantastic—ensuring our safety while being both educational and fun. We completed the via ferrata in two hours and spent an additional hour climbing and abseiling. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend.

Thank you, Explore-Share and Willy, for such a great via ferrata tour. We can’t wait to tackle the via ferrata of Marche les Dames next!


This was the greatest exiting experience in my life! Beautiful, scary and challenging! Willy our gide is a very good one for this experience! He is very professional but also very caring for the safety and pleasure. He is also a good photographer, you can be relaxed and enjoyable and the cool fotos us a following gift are guaranteed! Than you very much Willy!


We had a very exciting day with Willy! We had never done a via ferrata before and did Pont-a-Lesse and Marche-les-Dames in one day. Willy explained the different techniques very well and adapted to our wishes and the circumstances perfectly. Gauthier adviced us in the beginning correctly that Marche-les-Dames would be better for us than Les-Grandes-Malades in terms of difficulty. Overall we were very happy with the choice, spend a great day outdoors and can definitely recommend this adventure!


Super expérience, merci à Etienne et au temps qui était au rdv!

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