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Cours d'alpinisme hivernal en Norvège pour les débutants



Cours d'alpinisme hivernal en Norvège pour les débutants | undefined

Apprenez à pratiquer des activités en montagne en toute sécurité avec ce cours d'alpinisme hivernal à Hemsedal ou à West Jotunheimen, en Norvège.

En privé

Alpes scandinaves

+1 Jours

Jan - Mar, Déc



Les points forts

  • Faites vos premiers pas en alpinisme hivernal et améliorez vos compétences.
  • Apprenez les techniques de base et l'utilisation du matériel.
  • Contempler les magnifiques paysages des montagnes de Norvège.


Vous voulez commencer à pratiquer des activités en montagne en toute sécurité ? Alors rejoignez-moi pour ce cours d'alpinisme hivernal dans les montagnes de Hemsedal ou de West Jotunheimen, en Norvège.

Si vous êtes un débutant complet, ce cours est idéal pour vous, car il vous aidera à faire vos premiers pas. Si vous avez déjà une certaine expérience de la montagne, il vous sera utile de rafraîchir et d'organiser vos connaissances.

L'alpinisme d'hiver comprend des activités telles que escalade, randonnées sur glacier et aussi expéditions de plusieurs jours. Cependant, le cours peut également convenir aux personnes pratiquant ski et le snowboard.

Vous apprendrez, entre autres, à marcher avec des crampons sur la neige et la glace, à utiliser un piolet, les techniques d'utilisation des cordes, la navigation, les techniques de sauvetage sur un glacier, l'installation d'un bivouac et la gestion en cas de risque d'avalanche.

Certains cours seront théoriques, avec des diaporamas pour expliquer les points principaux. Mais il y aura aussi beaucoup d'exercices pratiques en montagne et même des programmes au sommet !

Le cours aura lieu soit en Hemsedal ou Ouest de Jotunheimen. Ce sont les plus hautes montagnes de l'Europe. Norvège, entouré d'un paysage alpin époustouflant.

Veuillez me contacter si vous souhaitez suivre ce cours d'alpinisme d'hiver. Je serai heureux de vous aider à améliorer vos compétences sur ces immenses sommets norvégiens !

Je dirige également un cours de cascade de glace pour débutants à Rjukan. Regardez !

Le prix comprend

  • Frais de guide

Détails des prix

  • Transport (aller-retour) depuis les aéroports d'Oslo :
  • Hemsedal 1000 NOK
  • Toute journée supplémentaire (audelà de la durée du cours) pour la prise en charge ou le retour à l'aéroport est facturée 1000 NOK par jour.
  • La prise en charge et le retour à l'aéroport sont organisés en deux jours distincts.
  • (78 heures de route dans un sens).

Lieu de rendez-vous




250 nok par personne/jour sans nourriture (self-service)

À propos du guide

Guide profile image




Guide de montagne

Je suis un guide certifié IFMGA depuis 2012. J'ai cependant maîtrisé mes compétences en escalade et en ski pendant de nombreuses années avant de me lancer dans le guidage. J'ai participé à de nombreuses expéditions d'escalade non seulement dans les montagnes sauvages du Caucase (que j'ai appris à connaître assez bien), mais aussi au Népal, dans les Alpes et j'ai beaucoup grimpé dans de nombreuses régions norvégiennes. Ces dernières années, j'ai résidé en Norvège, et je coopère avec mes amis du Lyngen Outdoor Center en tant que chef guide de montagne.


Russe | Polonais | Anglais

Revues avec images

Fantastic trip. Guide was experienced and friendly. He took us to some amazing sites where we learned the basics of ice climbing and using crampons as well as using ice axis to climb and be safe on the mountain. We did a snow hike up Gaustatoppen which was an environment we’ve never been too and was an incredible experience. Wish we could have stayed longer! Trip was weather dependent as with anything but that didn’t take away a huge amount of things to do. Rjukan is a wonderful town with gorgeous scenery. Huge thank you to Pawel for this experience! 5
Fantastic trip. Guide was experienced and friendly. He took us to some amazing sites where we learned the basics of ice climbing and using crampons as well as using ice axis to climb and be safe on the mountain. We did a snow hike up Gaustatoppen which was an environment we’ve never been too and was an incredible experience. Wish we could have stayed longer! Trip was weather dependent as with anything but that didn’t take away a huge amount of things to do. Rjukan is a wonderful town with gorgeous scenery. Huge thank you to Pawel for this experience! 5
Fantastic trip. Guide was experienced and friendly. He took us to some amazing sites where we learned the basics of ice climbing and using crampons as well as using ice axis to climb and be safe on the mountain. We did a snow hike up Gaustatoppen which was an environment we’ve never been too and was an incredible experience. Wish we could have stayed longer! Trip was weather dependent as with anything but that didn’t take away a huge amount of things to do. Rjukan is a wonderful town with gorgeous scenery. Huge thank you to Pawel for this experience! 5
Fantastic trip. Guide was experienced and friendly. He took us to some amazing sites where we learned the basics of ice climbing and using crampons as well as using ice axis to climb and be safe on the mountain. We did a snow hike up Gaustatoppen which was an environment we’ve never been too and was an incredible experience. Wish we could have stayed longer! Trip was weather dependent as with anything but that didn’t take away a huge amount of things to do. Rjukan is a wonderful town with gorgeous scenery. Huge thank you to Pawel for this experience! 5

Ce que nos utilisateurs disent de ce programme


Fantastic trip. Guide was experienced and friendly. He took us to some amazing sites where we learned the basics of ice climbing and using crampons as well as using ice axis to climb and be safe on the mountain. We did a snow hike up Gaustatoppen which was an environment we’ve never been too and was an incredible experience. Wish we could have stayed longer! Trip was weather dependent as with anything but that didn’t take away a huge amount of things to do. Rjukan is a wonderful town with gorgeous scenery. Huge thank you to Pawel for this experience!

Fantastic trip. Guide was experienced and friendly. He took us to some amazing sites where we learned the basics of ice climbing and using crampons as well as using ice axis to climb and be safe on the mountain. We did a snow hike up Gaustatoppen which was an environment we’ve never been too and was an incredible experience. Wish we could have stayed longer! Trip was weather dependent as with anything but that didn’t take away a huge amount of things to do. Rjukan is a wonderful town with gorgeous scenery. Huge thank you to Pawel for this experience! Fantastic trip. Guide was experienced and friendly. He took us to some amazing sites where we learned the basics of ice climbing and using crampons as well as using ice axis to climb and be safe on the mountain. We did a snow hike up Gaustatoppen which was an environment we’ve never been too and was an incredible experience. Wish we could have stayed longer! Trip was weather dependent as with anything but that didn’t take away a huge amount of things to do. Rjukan is a wonderful town with gorgeous scenery. Huge thank you to Pawel for this experience! Fantastic trip. Guide was experienced and friendly. He took us to some amazing sites where we learned the basics of ice climbing and using crampons as well as using ice axis to climb and be safe on the mountain. We did a snow hike up Gaustatoppen which was an environment we’ve never been too and was an incredible experience. Wish we could have stayed longer! Trip was weather dependent as with anything but that didn’t take away a huge amount of things to do. Rjukan is a wonderful town with gorgeous scenery. Huge thank you to Pawel for this experience! Fantastic trip. Guide was experienced and friendly. He took us to some amazing sites where we learned the basics of ice climbing and using crampons as well as using ice axis to climb and be safe on the mountain. We did a snow hike up Gaustatoppen which was an environment we’ve never been too and was an incredible experience. Wish we could have stayed longer! Trip was weather dependent as with anything but that didn’t take away a huge amount of things to do. Rjukan is a wonderful town with gorgeous scenery. Huge thank you to Pawel for this experience!


Pawel was an outstanding instructor!! Extremely satisfied with the course.

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