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Ascension en alpinisme du refuge Regina Margherita



Ascension en alpinisme du refuge Regina Margherita
Ascension en alpinisme du refuge Regina Margherita
Ascension en alpinisme du refuge Regina Margherita
Ascension en alpinisme du refuge Regina Margherita
Ascension en alpinisme du refuge Regina Margherita

L'un des guides certifiés IFMGA de l'équipe Peakshunter a un grand projet pour vous dans les Alpes : atteindre le Regina Margherita, le plus haut refuge d'Europe.


2 Jours

Jui - Sep




J'offre 5 places pour former un groupe courageux d'alpinistes qui veulent atteindre le sommet de la montagne. Regina Margheritale plus haut refuge en montagne des Alpes.

Le site Regina Margherita est un refuge gardé situé dans les Alpes, à la frontière entre l'Allemagne et la France. entre la Suisse et l'Italie. Il est situé en haut de la page Signalkuppel'un des plus hauts sommets de la Massif du Mont Rose. Son altitude est de 4 549 mètres, ce qui en fait le refuge le plus haut d'Europe. En outre, c'est un observatoire astronomique intéressant.

Pendant cette ascension de 2 jours en alpinisme nous gagnerons une altitude remarquable, sans toutefois présenter de difficulté extrême. Et une fois au refuge Regina Margherita, vous n'en reviendrez pas d'un tel point de vue sur les Alpes !

Le sommet où se trouve ce refuge est le Signalkuppe, le 4e sommet du groupe du Mont Rose et le 5e des Alpes. Cette montagne offre un itinéraire d'escalade classique sans difficultés techniques majeures malgré son altitude.

Avec l'intention de vous donner une idée approximative de l'itinéraire, Je vais partager avec vous un exemple de programme. Veuillez garder à l'esprit que cela dépendra de l'enneigement et des conditions météorologiques ainsi que des dates d'ouverture/de fermeture des installations de remontées mécaniques.


Jour 1

Nous nous réunirons à StaffalGressoney. Nous aurons une courte discussion sur les jours à venir et la vérification de l'équipement. Ensuite, nous prendrons le téléphérique pour rejoindre Punta Indren à 3 270 m. De là, nous commencerons à marcher soit vers le refuge de Mantova, soit directement vers la Capanna Gnifetti (3 647 m). Cette marche nous prendra environ 2h30. Nous prendrons le repas du soir et passerons la nuit dans un de ces refuges de montagne. Le gain d'altitude pour la journée sera de 400 mètres verticaux.

Jour 2

Aujourd'hui, nous quitterons le refuge après le petit-déjeuner. Il est temps de chausser nos crampons et de grimper sur le glacier jusqu'à ce que nous soyons près du Balmenhorn et de la Pyramide de Vincent. Après cela, nous arriverons au col du Lysjoch, à 4 250 mètres d'altitude. Nous devons alors descendre sous le Parrotspitze pour atteindre la Signalkuppe. La dernière section consiste en un sentier escarpé qui nous mène finalement au Refuge en refuge Regina Margherita à 4 554 m. Le retour se fera par le même itinéraire que celui de l'ascension. Nous prendrons l'ascenseur pour descendre au parking, où ce programme se termine. Le programme aller-retour de cette journée prendra environ 9 heures, avec une élévation de 900 mètres de dénivellation.

Donc, si vous voulez faire partie de mon groupe d'alpinisme, contactez-moi en remplissant le formulaire. Je me ferai un plaisir de vous aider à atteindre le Regina Margherita et à conquérir le refuge le plus haut d'Europe.

Le prix comprend

  • Hébergement inclus
  • Frais de guide
  • Petit-déjeuner
  • Dîner
  • Frais de guide de montagne
  • Harnais
  • Billets de remontées mécaniques
  • Crampons
  • Piolet

Détails des prix

  • Le prix ne comprend pas l'équipement personnel, seulement l'équipement collectif (corde, matériel d'escalade). La location est de 15€/jour et comprend les crampons, le piolet et le beaudrier.
  • Les coûts supplémentaires sont 80€/jour en demipension pour vous et 50€ pour le guide et 45€ pour les remontées mécaniques. Le coût des boissons et des repas supplémentaires (repas du midi, snacks) ne sont pas inclus non plus.



Mantova Hut ou Capanna Gnifetti | Demi-pension à Mantova Hut 65 € par personne ou Demi-pension à la Capanna Gnifetti 70 € par personne.

Plus d'informations

  • Assurance recherche et sauvetage avec couverture IFMGA (recommandée) : 5 € par personne pour 3 jours.

  • Remontées mécaniques : Télécabine Staffal-Gabiet + Télécabine Gabiet-Passo dei Salati + Téléphérique Passo dei Salati-Indren, programme de plusieurs jours aller-retour 40€ par personne. Le billet Nide d'Aigle-Saint Gervais est à 40€, le billet Indren est à 47€.

  • Les tarifs des remontées mécaniques, des transferts et des refuges de montagne sont sujets à des changements établis et appliqués par leurs propriétaires respectifs, sans aucune responsabilité imputable au guide de montagne.

Hébergement en demi-pension (boissons non comprises) Refuge Gnifetti : 75€ pour les clients, 45€ pour le guide. Refuge Margherita : 90€ pour les clients, 60€ pour le guide. Refuge Sella : 77€ pour les clients, 45€ pour le guide.

Supplément pour la nourriture et les boissons 1-2 nuits dans un B&B 55-70€ pour chaque nuit (en Italie) Billet MB pour le tunnel 58 Location de matériel 20€/jour

Lieu de rendez-vous

Staffal, Gressoney - Vallée d'Aoste

À propos du guide

Guide profile image




Guide de montagne

Fondée en 2013 par Elis et Silvia, PEAKSHUNTER est une équipe de guides de montagne certifiés par l'IFMGA.

Bien que nous ayons tous des parcours et des expériences différents, nous partageons les mêmes objectifs et projets et, plus que tout, nous aimons notre métier et partageons une profonde passion pour la montagne.

Le professionnalisme et la sécurité sont nos valeurs fondamentales car nous aimons notre métier et nous sommes passionnés par la montagne et la nature.
Nous sommes enthousiastes à l'idée de partager de nouvelles aventures et de garantir les émotions les plus mémorables à tous nos clients.
Si vous êtes intéressés à expérimenter la beauté de la nature et la puissance des montagnes, les guides de montagne Peakshunter seront heureux de vous guider ! Nous voulons vous procurer des émotions intenses et voulons être là pour les partager avec vous. Nous avons le sentiment d'avoir fait notre travail lorsqu'il y a de grands sourires sur les visages de chacun à la fin de la journée.

Nous voulons construire une relation forte et durable avec nos clients, fondée sur le respect que nous éprouvons pour tous ceux qui nous rejoignent dans l'exploration de ce monde vertical saisissant.

Le Mont Blanc, le Cervin, le Monterosa, la Pointe Dufour et le Refuge Margherita, le Grand Paradis, le Breithorn, Castor et Pollux ne sont que quelques-uns des 4000 sommets des Alpes qui se trouvent à proximité de la région où nous vivons et travaillons : la belle petite région de la Vallée d'Aoste, proche des frontières françaises et suisses et non loin des aéroports internationaux de Genève, Milan et Turin.

Réaliser vos rêves, découvrir des vues à couper le souffle ou simplement vivre une journée extraordinaire : il vous suffit de faire preuve d'imagination et nous réaliserons votre programme comme vous souhaitez le vivre !

L'équipe des guides de montagne Peakshunter sera heureuse de vous guider, de partager des aventures et d'être pour vous des compagnons, des entraîneurs personnels, des consultants et des soutiens compétents pour tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour planifier votre prochain rêve en montagne !



Demander plus d'informations

Ce que nos utilisateurs disent de ce programme


Dear Exploreshare, I am unfortunate to inform you that I passed a very bad experience with the guide Paolo Molinari (PEAKSHUNTER), especially during the descent from Margherita Regina hut, the 23rd of September. The treatment that I experienced from the guide was gravely unprofessional. I was pushed to my limit by Paolo. During the last meters to the summit and especially on the descent, he constantly put pressure on me to go faster despite telling him that I prefer to conserve my energy so that I can last for the rest of the descent down. He ignored and pushed our group much faster than I was comfortable. On the descent down from Margherita Hut, we were nearly running down as he was leading, even with the knowledge that one of the people (me) was slower than the rest. If we had kept a more slower pace, even if we were a couple hours later, I believe I would have been able to kept walking down without becoming exhausted. The descent was an extremely horrible experience for me as I was pushed to my limits by Paolo. We were given almost no breaks for me to drink water or eat after the summit. At times I told him that I needed a pause to drink water as I was getting dehydrated and he refused and had us keep walking, leading me to become over-exhausted. I understand that he had other plans in his agenda after Margherita Regina or potentially the risk of bad weather (which I’m not even sure was true because all afternoon was good conditions as everyone else in the group can agree with and attested to me after finishing the descent to the parking) but it did not excuse his treatment and lack of empathy and common sense. I was becoming more and more over-exhausted that I reached my limit due to his impatient attitude. When I told him that I’m at my limit, he scolds me in front of everyone and saying how it’s my fault when he didn’t consider that maybe his pushing and rushing and putting pressure on me caused me to over-exhaust myself instead of going slower to avoid my over-exhausted state. I believe as a guide, one should be flexible to the group (as the conditions allow) and he was unnecessarily pushing when he did not need to. This led me to needing more pauses which clearly irritated and angered him. He ridiculed me in front of the group in English and Italian. He said “In all my 6 years as a guide, never had I had a client that had problems descending down in these conditions”, without even considering that I was EXHAUSTED and other problems of mentality due to his ridicule of me in front of the group, which did not encourage me to keep going nor put me in a mental space to believe that I can keep going. He called me a baby (in front of everyone in the group), when I tried to express my worry about being dehydrated and needing water. He did not have us pause to allow me to drink water when I really needed it, I was refused several times by him. I was very scared about fainting from exhaustion for how he was pushing me. I tried to tell him and he did want to not listen. I believe his cruel behavior was to punish me on purpose as he was obviously unhappy with the situation. At one point, the group had to pull me because I could no longer feel my legs and at one point, he took a photo of me, WITHOUT MY CONSENT, of me lying on the ground, ridiculing me, causing people in the group to laugh. I don’t know if this photo was used to communicate to Peakshunter or for his own personal purposes. I would like him to DELETE it if you can as it was taken of me when I was in a very vulnerable and exhausted state. Giorgia and the others in the group can attest to this. He was on the phone with other colleagues and Silvia (I think, as he omitted communicating to me his actions as he purposely only spoke in Italian to the group so I didn’t understand what was going on). Although I don’t speak fluent Italian, I heard him constantly say on the phone and to everyone in the group in front of me “la merda” several times about me, about this situation which doesn’t inspire confidence in the group but fear. I believe he told Silvia or someone on the phone that I had drunk alcohol and that I was under alcohol influence which was a reason why I wasn’t performing right which is NOT CORRECT as I was NOT drunk. Near the end of the descent towards Gnifetti Hut, he was on the phone again as I was constantly asking for pauses and was not happy with me. I do not understand the entire call in Italian, but I believe he said something along the lines of considering to ABANDON me “abandonnarli” on the mountain if I couldn’t continue or go faster. Again, he spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. This inspired fear in me. I don’t know if he was truly considering it or saying it as a joke (I’m not sure to who), but that was absolutely NOT appropriate. I lost trust and confidence in him as a guide and I was outraged when I heard that, though I did not say anything in the moment. (Later when we arrived at Gnifetti Hut, I told him “Well, I guess you didn’t have to abandon me then”, referencing to his call earlier on the mountain, and he showed irritation to me briefly, proving and confirming that he knows what he said in front of me in Italian.) Especially for a guide to omit speaking in both languages, most of the time only speaking in Italian to the group and leaving me out of the discussion made me uncomfortable as I did not understand what are the risks ahead of us, what needs to be done and what is going on or what is going to happen. While passing by a crevasse on the way down, he asked me if I had seen this crevasse this morning. I said no. And he made a joke saying, “well that could have been you in there”, implying that I should have fallen and died in the crevasse. He told me this in English. I do not understand why he felt the need to say unnecessary things if this was a joke or he said this to me out of spite because he was clearly unhappy with me and the situation we were in. My experience with Paolo Molinari was inexcusable and completely horrendous. I was enraged at this treatment that I injured all afternoon. I have seen other trek and high-mountain guides react better to stress and vulnerable clients. I believe he acted on his own agenda and his own needs instead of considering the needs of the group and the weakest during this course (me). If he had listened to me and adapted to the group, I think this descent would have gone differently. I hope something will be done so he corrects his behavior so no other future client will experience such unprofessional, abusive, and ridiculing treatment. I would even recommend him being admitted into training again or temporarily losing his license as a mountain guide as this was absolutely UNACCEPTABLE behavior that no client or participant should experience. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Samantha BAQUIRAN



Gigio was careful, sober and supportive, Silvia outstanding in cooperativeness, problem solving and persistance. However, a little less cost effective as compared to other teams.


During our mountain experience Elis was very confident, balanced emotionally, with a strong sense of responsibility for the security of his customers. He takes security very seriously and follows the minimum-risk scenario. Example: Elis insisted on compromising our planned Mont Blanc ascend and advised to consider more predictable mountain since the weather conditions made Italian way we were planning to take too dangerous for our level. He is also great in keeping very steady consistent pace as well as adapting to the group and infusing fun where it is safe to have it (e.g.: we tried crampon descend on a really steep sections and it was so much fun). We also got very well connected on a personal level. What can be improved: communication while planning all the details before the trip. We would appreciate to have more attention to details, more information about the trip and receiving it as early as possible instead of last minute. Since Mont Blanc did not happen this year, planning it with Elis for 2018. Thanks, a million Elis!


We didn´t reach the top because my daughter had big problems with her stomack, but Claudio took care after her and was very thoughtful. Thanks to him we reached at least Lysjoch.

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