(19 avis)
Comparez et réservez un guide certifié pour votre programme sur Explore-Share.com : Plus de 1500 guides, plus de 70 pays et plus de 8000 programmes différents au choix. Faites votre choix parmi notre sélection de programmes d'escalade en Piramide Vincent. Les montagnes vous appellent !
"Easy booking for a perfect adventure!"
Lire ce que les autres disent
Proactivity, reactivity, efficiency and great customer services! A great experience
Proactivity, reactivity, efficiency and great customer services! A great experience
Climbing in the Mont Blanc area with Elis, first time climbing, had an amazing time, with a good learning curve through the peaks, very professional help from Elis, would highly recommend.
Alberto is the best guide I ever had (and I did mountaineering with quite a few, to say the least). With him, I feel confident to go to the best place I can reach, do more than I thought I would be able to do, always with security.
Restez au courant des meilleures aventures!