(18 avis)
Copiapo est une ville minière tranquille du nord du Chili, située à la limite sud du désert d'Atacama. Les environs offrent de nombreuses attractions naturelles intéressantes, des eaux turquoise de Bahia Inglesa au parc national Nevado Tres Cruces. Copiapo est également le point de départ d'ascensions vers l'Ojos del Salado (6 891 m), le plus haut volcan du monde et le deuxième plus haut sommet d'Amérique du Sud, après l'Aconcagua. Les expéditions vers l'Ojos del Salado durent généralement deux semaines environ. L'ascension n'est pas techniquement difficile, mais vous devez avoir une bonne condition physique pour affronter l'altitude et les conditions météorologiques. La meilleure période pour l'ascension de cet incroyable volcan est entre décembre et mars. Explore-Share ne promeut que des programmes conduits par des guides de montagne certifiés.
"Easy booking for a perfect adventure!"
Lire ce que les autres disent
Hey, So I had a great time on this journey in the Atacama desert and up the the Ojos del Salado. Looking forward for other adventures of this kind :)
It has been difficult for me as the one group member who did not speak Spanish fluently to be and feel included, as most group conversations happened - understandably - in Spanish. Very fortunately, two fellow climbers spoke English very well, which was very important to exchange information and have good conversations in general. I recommend to non-Spanish speaking climbers to either join a trip like that with a friend or learn to speak Spanish very well. I can get through while traveling in South America with my rudimentary Spanish, but it is insufficient for me to follow or participate in Spanish spoken conversations.
I recommend Gaston as an example of a first rate mountain guide. Very attentive to his clients and an excellent chef. I have never been so well looked after on an expedition. Thank you all very much.
Hey, So I had a great time on this journey in the Atacama desert and up the the Ojos del Salado. Looking forward for other adventures of this kind :)
We had an incredible time on our trip! Gaston was amazing, and we were very fortunate to have him as our guide. He has spent a lifetime hiking in Chile, and it reflected in his planning and preparation for the trip. With his help we were able to push to the top, and make awesome memories along the way!
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