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Esquí freeride de 1 día en Valle Blanche, Chamonix

Esquí freeride de 1 día en Valle Blanche, Chamonix | undefined

Sigue a Riccardo, guía de montaña certificado por la IFMGA, a una de las rutas de freeride más famosas de los Alpes. ¡Disfruta de un increíble día de esquí en Valle Blanche, Chamonix!


1 Día

Ene - May, Dic



Aspectos destacados

* Prueba una de las rutas de freeride más famosas de los Alpes, el Valle Blanche.

* Esquía sobre nieve polvo de primera calidad con un guía experto.

* Disfruta de vistas impresionantes del Macizo del Mont Blanc.


Chamonix es una estación de esquí ubicada cerca de la unión de Francia, Suiza e Italia. Sus increíbles pistas son parte del Mont Blanc, el macizo más alto de los Alpes. Esta salida de un día es tu oportunidad para probar su famosa ruta de freeride, ¡el Valle Blanche!

El descenso del Valle Blanche ofrece un desafío emocionante e inolvidable rodeado de un gran paisaje. Comienza en la cima de Aiguille du Midi (3,842m) y termina en el centro de la ciudad de Chamonix, cruzando impresionantes glaciares, túneles de hielo y bordes de cresta.

En esta mítica ruta de freeride de 24 km, esquiaremos sobre nieve de primera calidad y disfrutaremos de vistas impresionantes de paisajes alpinos increíbles. Los niveles medios son bienvenidos. Por supuesto, ¡estaré allí para guiarlos en el camino!

Entonces, si estás preparado para un impresionante día de esquí freeride en Chamonix, por favor contáctame. ¡Intentemos uno de los descensos más bellos de los Alpes, el Valle Blanche!

Y, si estás buscando una aventura de varios días fuera de pista en Mont Blanc, ¡revisa mi viaje de 4 días!

El precio incluye

- Tarifa de guía

Detalles del precio

El precio no incluye los gastos del guía (alojamiento, comidas, billetes de ascensor, etc).

No incluido: transportes, ascensores


Más información

Número mínimo de participantes: 4

Sobre el guía

Guide profile image




Guía de Montaña

I am Reccardo Olliveri, class 1975, registered to the Alpine Guide College of Piemonte since 2002 and graduated in environment and territory engineering at the Turin technical college. I live at Turin, but I am resident in the Alps where I practice the mountaineering activity all through the year; I love the void and I play every time I can; on rock, ice, dry tooling and also skiing.

Its with great passion that I continue practicing the mountaineering activity and I dedicate myself to pass on to all those interested to know, the spirit and the ability to dedicate oneself close to the mountain in all its forms.


Italiano | Francés | Inglés

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Lo que la gente dice sobre Riccardo



Riccardo was an exceptional guide. On this 4 day skiing trip with him, he taught me how to ski tour and took me to many incredible locations. He was happy and able to help me whenever I got to a difficult location on the mountain and ensured I was always comfortable with what I was doing. Additionally, he is quite a great photographer so I got many nice photos from the adventure. I would definitely recommend Riccardo and this trip for anyone who is interested in trying off-piste skiing or ski touring.



Riccardo is a super capable mountain guide who makes the right decisions the guarantee safety. He has years of experience in the mountains doing many different sports and activities and will align you skills with the right challenge. He is also is easy to communicate and plan with, both online and offline!



I did the 4 day off piste at Mont Blanc. Riccardo is a very patient,funny and professional guide. He definitely speaks all 3 languages fluently and is accessible to ask questions and plan your ski trip. His vast knowledge about the mountain and skiing are incredible.He is always on time and checks the weather the night before to determine the iternary for the next day. He is very organized and helpful too. He even came with me to get my ski gear. He will always give you suggestions on which mountain and will ask what you would like to do. Due to the bad weather, I got to ski La Flegere and Le Tour. The views were still incredible and we had fresh powder snow. I had a great time and learned alot from him. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget and would definitely recommend him.

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