Te invitamos a unirte a nuestro equipo de guías experimentados y explorar la joya oculta de La Pedriza, un macizo de granito en la renombrada Sierra de Guadarrama, un paraíso natural a solo 40 kilómetros de Madrid. Haz trekking por la poco vista ruta de Pedriza Escondida, revelando un paisaje lleno de formaciones intrigantes como el Elefantito, la Muralla China, el Yelmo y la Lagunilla.
1 Día
Todo el año
¡Adéntrate en la naturaleza y explora la salvaje belleza de La Pedriza en la Sierra de Guadarrama en esta expedición de trekking!
En este viaje tendremos la oportunidad de explorar la Sierra de Guadarrama, a solo 40 kilómetros de Madrid, la cual divide la meseta Castellana en dos mientras se eleva majestuosamente. Esta antigua cadena montañosa erosionada muestra picos suaves y altos que superan los 2.400 metros de altura.
Aquí, viajaremos a La Pedriza, un macizo de granito único en las laderas del sur de la Cuerda Larga. Como un verdadero paraíso para escaladores, cuenta con una variedad de pináculos, agujas, acantilados, canales y pasajes subterráneos, una verdadera escuela de montañismo que conocemos y apreciamos por su singularidad.
La Pedriza es un laberinto de paredes de granito, cada una con su propio nombre único. Llamamos a esta ruta la Pedriza Escondida ya que rara vez se ve. Más allá del Elefantito, el camino serpentea a través de un laberinto de formaciones rocosas, tan hermosas como de otro mundo. La Muralla China, el Yelmo y la Lagunilla son solo algunas de las vistas inolvidables que encontrarás en este viaje.
Mejora tu escapada a Madrid explorando las cautivadoras montañas de la Sierra de Guadarrama en excursiones de un día. Nos ocuparemos del transporte desde y hacia tu hotel, para que puedas concentrarte en disfrutar del impresionante paisaje y las aventuras al aire libre.
¡Contáctame hoy y comencemos a planificar tu próxima aventura de trekking en los paisajes más impresionantes de Madrid!
Punto de encuentro
Otro equipo
Operador Turístico
The Mighty South is a project born with the goal to show the spanish mountains and its natural spaces under the same gaze than the local mountaineers or nature lovers.
Our team is made up by a highly, passionate and certified professional staff, arriving from all the sectors linked to tourism and the mountains for years. We have a solid structure to provide from the programming to the final result.
Our activities are very thoughtfully. The proposals, daring and original and, of course, we never forget about respect and care for our natural spaces and the people around us.
We work in small groups, 2-12 people, depending on the type of activity (climbing, trekking, snowshoeing, ferratas...), mainteining an adequate ratio in order to manage the security and comfort, keeping the balance between impact and commercial activity.
Come with us to enjoy from a rocky top in Gredos, a 3000 metres peak in Pyrenees, a trekking in Picos de Europa, a trail in the laberynthine Pedriza or to the secrets deserts in the south of Spain.
We have a large treasure chest, replete of hidden gems. You can choose what you want.
Español | Inglés | Francés
Climbing with guide Guillaume was absolutely a highlight of my 2-week Europe vacation. Originally, we were planning on climbing in the Calanques, but the park was closed due to wind and fire danger. Guillaume chose another amazing location (Pic de Bretagne) based on my climbing abilities and preferences and kindly offered train station pick-up and hotel drop off, which I appreciated very much. The multi-pitch route we did was not only fun but also the right amount of challenge, which I thoroughly enjoyed. The communication from the team (Gauthier) was prompt and clear—highly recommend!
Luis Silva was a great climbing guide and belayer! He taught me how to do moves that were difficult and encouraged me to try routes that were challenging for me! Because of his encouragement, I managed to complete these routes! I really enjoyed the climbs and completed 8 routes in the Sesimbra/Azoia area. The weather was perfect, no direct sun and cool enough to enjoy the climbs. Explore-Share made booking an outdoor climbing experience in Lisbon extremely easy. Luis, our guide, was fantastic, and the platform’s organization was flawless.
You’re simply the best!!! :))) Explore-Share made everything easy and stress-free. Will definitely use again.
We had Léo as a guide for our day climb in Fonty. We were blessed with a knowledgeable, warm, and instructive guide. Communication with Léo and Ivan was smooth and swift. Explore-Share was excellent in arranging everything for our day climb. The communication was quick, and the platform was easy to use, making our adventure stress-free.
Patrick was a great guide. He took us on an intermediate Via Ferrata at Passo Sella. Renato was quick to respond with any outreach on the Explore-Share platform. The booking process was straightforward, and once Patrick was confirmed, all went well. It was a wonderful experience, and I’d highly recommend the platform.
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