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Esquí en Niseko: 1 día de esquí fuera de pista en Hokkaido



Esquí en Niseko: 1 día de esquí fuera de pista en Hokkaido
Esquí en Niseko: 1 día de esquí fuera de pista en Hokkaido
Esquí en Niseko: 1 día de esquí fuera de pista en Hokkaido
Esquí en Niseko: 1 día de esquí fuera de pista en Hokkaido
Esquí en Niseko: 1 día de esquí fuera de pista en Hokkaido

Personaliza la aventura perfecta de esquí fuera de pista para ti en Niseko, Hokkaido, y descubre la increíble nieve de esta área junto con el instructor de esquí Nicolas.



+1 Día

Ene - Abr, Dic



Aspectos destacados

  • Disfruta de la fantástica nieve y líneas de Niseko.
  • Participa en una introducción al esquí fuera de pista.
  • Organiza el programa según tu nivel.


¡Disfruta de la nieve fresca y profunda en Niseko en este programa de esquí de día completo!

Ubicado en Hokkaido, el pueblo de Niseko es uno de los mejores y más populares lugares para disfrutar del esquí fuera de pista en Japón. Tiene varias opciones disponibles para participantes con un nivel de experiencia intermedio a avanzado.

Nuestro destino se elegirá según el clima y la actividad de la nieve, así como su nivel de esquí. Ten en cuenta que también podemos organizar un programa en otras áreas de Hokkaido.

Cuando hay más de una persona, todo el grupo se adapta al nivel más bajo o podemos esquiar juntos por la mañana y dividirnos después del almuerzo.

Comenzaremos ascendiendo con un telesilla en el complejo y disfrutaremos deslizándonos fuera de las puertas, en el área no patrullada, durante la mañana y la tarde. Al final del día, te llevaremos de regreso a tu alojamiento.

Además de esquiar en el fantástico terreno de Niseko, este programa es una gran introducción al esquí fuera de pista en Japón. Por lo tanto, si estás comenzando con esta actividad, no puedes perderte esta oportunidad.

Aunque no se requiere experiencia en travesías para este viaje, ten en cuenta que algunas rutas pueden demandar una corta caminata (unos 15 minutos).

En cuanto al equipo, no olvides traer tu equipo AVI (transceptor, pala y sonda). Si no tienes uno, puedes alquilarlo en Niseko.

Entonces, ¿te parece que este viaje de esquí fuera de pista es para ti? Ponte en contacto conmigo enviando tu solicitud para reservar este programa. ¡Podemos adaptarlo a tus preferencias!

El precio incluye

  • Tarifa de guía
  • Gastos del guía de montaña
  • Propinas

Detalles del precio

  • * Guía profesional incluido.
  • ** NO incluido: boleto de ascensor, comidas, equipo de esquí, equipo AVI.

Punto de encuentro

En tu alojamiento.

Equipo que necesitarás llevar

Botella de agua



Equipo de esquí


Equipo de avalanchas

Sobre el guía

Guide profile image




Instructor de Esquí

From a very young age I’ve had a strong connection with the mountains and nature. Although I grew up in the city, I used to travel to the countryside quite a lot. At the beginning, I approached the mountains in the summer time, hiking, trekking, sleeping in mountain huts, climbing and doing that kind of things. Later on, I started skiing and I just couldn't stopped: I became addicted to the snow!!

Back-country skiing started to grow on me when I was working in the Lake Tahoe ski area. I can still remember the feeling of the first few times I went to the backcountry on my skis, going up and down several peaks with no people around me except for my group of friends and away from the crowds of the resorts. It was fantastic!

After several year of backcountry skiing in Argentina (near Bariloche) and USA (Lake Tahoe), I made it to Niseko, Japan. I have been skiing, teaching, and guiding in Japan for the past 4 years. The snow here is unbelievable and the skiable terrain is huge and diverse. In the Niseko area you can find everything, from easy off-piste near the resort to several days backcountry skiing out there and lots of volcano skiing. Come on, just contact me and let’s go skiing!!



Reseñas con imágenes

Wr met up with Charles our guide at yhe resort, prior to meeting up Charles checked on the snow reports and determined the optimal location to make the most of the day. Due to avalanche danger we stayed around the tree line, and lapped a really fun hill. It was an amazing experience all day we rode fresh lines. Charles went above and beyond taking pics and video. Which meant we didn't have to worry about getting goPro's and Instas setup. 5
Daiki speaks English and has good communication. We discussed plans via email and WhatsApp ahead of the trip to pick the best location and itinerary to suit our group.

He was waiting for us at the meeting point at the arranged time to start the tour.

The pace was good to suit our speed. He found the best snow for several descents through the day in different lines on a similar aspect.

During the day there was an issue with snow on the skin glue. Daiki helped clean the snow off and came to the rescue with a ski band to hold the skin to the ski for ascending.

We would be happy to ski again with Daiki in future.5
Charles is a great guide that has extensive  Niseko knowledge that will help us get the goods. Great experience!5
The slopes were unfortunately limited by the weather conditions. But Ivan, our guide for the day, is an excellent skier and managed to bring us to different places avoiding the crowd. Easy communication via WhatsApp as well in order to plan everything. Thanks!4
The slopes were unfortunately limited by the weather conditions. But Ivan, our guide for the day, is an excellent skier and managed to bring us to different places avoiding the crowd. Easy communication via WhatsApp as well in order to plan everything. Thanks!4
The slopes were unfortunately limited by the weather conditions. But Ivan, our guide for the day, is an excellent skier and managed to bring us to different places avoiding the crowd. Easy communication via WhatsApp as well in order to plan everything. Thanks!4
The slopes were unfortunately limited by the weather conditions. But Ivan, our guide for the day, is an excellent skier and managed to bring us to different places avoiding the crowd. Easy communication via WhatsApp as well in order to plan everything. Thanks!4
The slopes were unfortunately limited by the weather conditions. But Ivan, our guide for the day, is an excellent skier and managed to bring us to different places avoiding the crowd. Easy communication via WhatsApp as well in order to plan everything. Thanks!4

Lo que la gente dice sobre este viaje


Weather was not great which is no ones fault - there was no visibility so we had to stay within the boundaries of the mountain. The guide was great as he was able to find fun places to ski despite the conditions that were sub optimal.


Felipe was perfect. He knows how to adapt efforts and difficulties according to his client level. We wanted 5 days off piste, we got it. Thank you so much.



Great experience our guide Ivan was awesome very good skier and knowledge of the mountain. Awesome piece of mind just following the leader and not worry about navigating around the big mtn!


Our guide was Alan and he was great. Very knowledgeable, kept us safe and we felt very comfortable with him as our guide. We would definitely like to have him again someday! Highly-qualified and I would recommend him 100%

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