Únete al Guía de Montaña certificado por IFMGA, Jarmo, en una aventura de esquí de travesía para recordar en los Alpes de Lyngen. Esquiarás desde la cumbre hasta el mar y podrás disfrutar de la impresionante belleza de esta área.
Alpes de Lyngen
6 Días
Permítenos llevarte a uno de los escenarios de esquí de travesía más increíbles del mundo. Pasaremos una semana en los Alpes de Lyngen, esquiando desde cumbres de montañas hasta el mar.
Una cosa que notarás bastante rápido en este viaje es el impresionante paisaje a tu alrededor. Los Alpes de Lyngen son una región de montañas y fiordos. El aire es limpio y puro, y la naturaleza prospera aquí.
Tenemos mucha experiencia en esquí de travesía en el área, ¡hemos estado aquí desde 1999! Así que, cualquier pregunta que tengas sobre la ubicación o el esquí, podremos ayudarte.
Los puntos destacados de este viaje incluyen vistas impresionantes del Mar Ártico, avistamiento de fauna y las increíbles pistas que podrás disfrutar.
No necesitas tener experiencia previa en esquí de travesía para participar en este viaje, pero sí necesitas tener un buen nivel de experiencia en esquí.
Nuestros viajes duran cinco o seis días. Sin embargo, también hacemos excursiones de un día y podemos personalizar algo adecuado para ti.
Esta es tu oportunidad para disfrutar de una experiencia de esquí realmente única. ¡Ponte en contacto hoy mismo y reserva tu lugar!
Si te interesa una experiencia única fuera de las pistas, echa un vistazo a mi aventura de cinco días en bicicleta de montaña en Finlandia.
Punto de encuentro
Botella de agua
Equipo de esquí
Equipo de avalanchas
Guía de Montaña
Jarmo Jobo Metsäkoivu is IFMGA / UIAGM / IVBV mountain guide. He has born and lived all his childhood in Lapland Finland. He started his mountain journey from the Lapland, and more than 20 years he has been traveling in the mountains, that still are his passion.
Nowadays he is based in Chamonix (France) but enjoys going every summer for mountain biking in Finland under the midnight sun and nightless nights.
Jobo is a founder of Yellowsnowguides that offers all mountain related outdoor
experiences. He is also ski touring in Lapland during spring months, but he is also keen for mountaineering at Alps.
| Inglés
Climbing with guide Guillaume was absolutely a highlight of my 2-week Europe vacation. Originally, we were planning on climbing in the Calanques, but the park was closed due to wind and fire danger. Guillaume chose another amazing location (Pic de Bretagne) based on my climbing abilities and preferences and kindly offered train station pick-up and hotel drop off, which I appreciated very much. The multi-pitch route we did was not only fun but also the right amount of challenge, which I thoroughly enjoyed. The communication from the team (Gauthier) was prompt and clear—highly recommend!
Luis Silva was a great climbing guide and belayer! He taught me how to do moves that were difficult and encouraged me to try routes that were challenging for me! Because of his encouragement, I managed to complete these routes! I really enjoyed the climbs and completed 8 routes in the Sesimbra/Azoia area. The weather was perfect, no direct sun and cool enough to enjoy the climbs. Explore-Share made booking an outdoor climbing experience in Lisbon extremely easy. Luis, our guide, was fantastic, and the platform’s organization was flawless.
You’re simply the best!!! :))) Explore-Share made everything easy and stress-free. Will definitely use again.
We had Léo as a guide for our day climb in Fonty. We were blessed with a knowledgeable, warm, and instructive guide. Communication with Léo and Ivan was smooth and swift. Explore-Share was excellent in arranging everything for our day climb. The communication was quick, and the platform was easy to use, making our adventure stress-free.
Patrick was a great guide. He took us on an intermediate Via Ferrata at Passo Sella. Renato was quick to respond with any outreach on the Explore-Share platform. The booking process was straightforward, and once Patrick was confirmed, all went well. It was a wonderful experience, and I’d highly recommend the platform.
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