Acompaña a Enrico, un guía certificado IFMGA, en una aventura de esquí freeride de 4 días en las pistas de varios centros turísticos en el famoso valle de Aosta en los Alpes de Italia y Francia.
4 Días
Ene - Abr, Dic
Algunos ejemplos de los centros turísticos que visitarás en este viaje en el valle de Aosta incluyen Gressoney en Monte Rosa y Courmayeur en Monte Blanco. También hay una serie de maravillosos lugares secretos que podré llevarte en este viaje. Pero sin importar qué lugar elijamos, puedes estar seguro de que disfrutarás de algunos descensos increíbles. Además, las vistas que tendrás entre descensos de los Alpes durante este viaje son increíbles.
Otra gran parte de este viaje es que, desde mediados de diciembre hasta finales de febrero, hay una opción de contratar a un fotógrafo personal que tomará excelentes fotos y videos de tu experiencia. Dándote así la oportunidad de guardar los recuerdos de este espectacular viaje.
Para participar en este viaje, debes poder esquiar a un nivel intermedio o avanzado. También debes estar en buena condición física.
Esquiar en los centros turísticos del valle de Aosta es una aventura que nunca olvidarás. Para disfrutarla durante 4 días, solo envíame una solicitud, y permíteme llevarte a los mejores lugares de toda la zona.
¿Te gustaría disfrutar de una increíble escalada en hielo en las mejores canaletas de los Alpes? Entonces ven y únete a mí en este viaje de 5 días.
Punto de encuentro
Más información
Según las nuevas directivas del Colegio Regional del Valle de Aosta, el seguro para el rescate en caso de accidente corre por cuenta del cliente y puede adquirirse registrándose en el CLUB ALPINO ITALIANO (o el correspondiente club alpino local) o en el sitio web de UVGAM ( ).
Guía de Montaña
My biggest satisfaction is to explore new places, and share it with a rope-mate. And to do it as a professional is the realization of a dream. At the age of 15, I knew I wanted to become a mountain guide, I wanted to live in the mountains, teach and share my new passion. In 2006 I realized my dream and I became a professional mountain guide. I like sharing my knowledge and experience with my clients, taking a journey that transforms slowly the guide-client relationship in climbing partner and often in friendship. I am not and never will be a lone climber but "a company" 'explorer. My specialty lies certainly in climbing on ice and mixed in the high mountains. With my clients I climbed the most difficult faces in the Alps, explored mountain ranges, traveled between America, Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Italiano | Francés | Inglés
This was intended to be 10 days of skill building with the ultimate goal of climbing one of the 6 great north faces of the Alps. I'd climbed some mountains graded PD/AD- before and did a few mountaineering courses but didn't have much experience climbing ice, mixed or steep snow. This course blew my expectations out of the water. Enrico is the best guide I've ever had, from a combination of technical skill, patience, knowledge of all aspects and good nature. We climbed something every single day (!). I really progressed my ice climbing which was the main goal for me and many times during the course I came away feeling that I'd surprised myself by getting to the top. Enrico did a great job judging my level and found options every day to challenge but not overwhelm me. I came to trust his judgement and really appreciate the time we got to spend climbing some great routes. 10/10.
Great trip, highly customized and exceeding our expectations. Highly recommendable
Enrico is a fantastic person and a very good guide, very professional. We climbed Auguille d'Entreves.
Enrico is a mountaineering expert. I did many tours, summits and expeditions with him over the past 15 years Not only does he know the environment, but he is also technically very proficient, which is very comforting when the going gets tougher. He is a very safe guide, does not take chances as he wants both of us to get back home safely! And he likes to share and explain every decision he makes. Every outing with Enrico is a 5 star experience.
I went Ice Climbing in Cogne with Enrico. He is very competent, friendly and enthusiastic.
Mantente al día con las mejores aventuras.