Descubre las vírgenes pendientes de Chamonix-Mont-Blanc desde Aiguille du Midi entre Vallée Blanche con el guía certificado de IFMGA, Victor.
1 Día
Ene - May
Encerrado entre las cumbres más altas de Europa occidental, Vallée Blanche es un enorme sistema de glaciares descendentes.
Con casi 3.000 metros verticales y 20 kilómetros de largas bajadas, comenzamos desde la impresionante estación de Aiguille du Midi y terminamos en la encantadora comuna de Chamonix-Mont-Blanc.
Comúnmente abreviada como Chamonix, la comuna se encuentra en el departamento de Haute-Savoie y está protegida por el Mont Blanc y el Aiguille du Midi.
Aunque relativamente segura, este itinerario de esquí involucra un travesía de arista expuesta que da acceso a un terreno predominantemente glaciar y no debe ser subestimado.
Hay cuatro posibles líneas de descenso dependiendo de tu nivel de habilidad así como de las condiciones de la nieve.
Voie Normale es la ruta más accesible que es bastante directa y técnicamente hablando la más fácil. Estas propiedades la hacen la más popular en la región.
Le Vrai Vallée es técnicamente más desafiante que implica esquiar en couloir, y requiere buena experiencia fuera de pista.
Lo mismo es cierto para Petit Envers du Plan, que es una ruta emocionante que te lleva a través de un laberinto de grietas con impresionantes picos en el fondo.
Y Grand Envers du Plan, potencialmente el área más difícil y hermosa de toda Vallée Blanche, alberga pendientes de 40 grados con bajadas llenas de adrenalina.
Los participantes potenciales necesitan ser capaces de esquiar en descensos de 20 kilómetros de largo con 2.800 metros verticales en diversas condiciones de nieve.
Ponte en contacto ahora para reservar tu lugar en la hermosa Vallée Blanche para un emocionante esquí fuera de pista en Chamonix, comenzando en Aiguille du Midi.
Punto de encuentro
Botella de agua
Equipo de esquí
Equipo de avalanchas
Pieles de foca
Guía de Montaña
Mountains have been part of my life for more than two decades now. It's been an intense relationship that consumed my everything. First, I practiced skiing and all forms of climbing: sport, traditional, big wall, aid, ice and mixed. I risked it all, giving my life away and winning it back on big and hard mountain faces.
Some years later, I studied paramedicine and joined the Heli-Rescue service. I witnessed my own triumph as an alpinist and tragedy as a rescuer, which completed my understanding of what the mountain is in relation to people. This was the beginning of the end of my alpinist alter ego.
In 2016 I climbed Cerro Torre and pushed a new line as a mountaineer in Patagonia. This was the climbing climax which gave way to my mountain guiding career: my third and most balanced perspective on the world of mountains and on the mountains of the world. Since then, I've guided climbing and skiing trips in the Alps, the Caucasus range, the Cordillera Blanca in Peru and in the mountains ranges of Eastern Europe, among others.
Appreciating happiness through the eyes of others is what finally brought harmony to me, and this is what I want to share with people.
Inglés | Búlgaro
It was a trip above our expectations. Although we have to cancel one day trip as the weather was completely terrible in the forecast somehow we managed to squeeze 1 backcountry touring day during the trip and spend 2 days off the piste - snowboarding among the trees;) We have to say it's like magic. It was our first backcountry touring trip. With the help and guidance from Victor, we managed to rent the split boards and climb almost all the way to the peak (4 hours!), and ride down on the power. The view and experience are both spectacular! We are looking forward to coming back next year when the weather and snow conditions are better and hopefully, we will be able to reach different Pirin mountain peaks. Thank you, Victor ☺
Absolutely amazing!!! We loved our hike out on the Mer de Glacé glacier with our guide Viktor. He was extremely knowledgeable and experienced, making us feel very comfortable and well taken care of. Not only did we have a spectacular hike, but we felt safe the whole time. I would definitely recommend this to others and will be back for sure for another guided hike! Thank you!
Pretty easy to organise from the UK. Guide really knew his stuff and offered tips to improve my skiing
Victor is the best guide we've ever met. We did 3 days of skitouring with him. Even though the forecast was not too good, he made perfect itineraries to get the most out of each day. He was perfectly reliable and fair. Victor started with an easier route to see what we can do, and then every day we tried something harder, up to real ski-alpinism on the last day. He was always there to help us when we had problems. We felt perfectly safe with him all the time. He also shared lots of his knowledge and tricks - we learned more than on a skitouring course. We've had some problems with explore-share though - most of the prices of skitouring in Bulgaria displayed on their website turned out not to be up to date. But we have to admit, that the explore-share team did all they could to help us solve the problems and to find us a guide - all in a very polite and friendly way.
It was a trip above our expectations. Although we have to cancel one day trip as the weather was completely terrible in the forecast somehow we managed to squeeze 1 backcountry touring day during the trip and spend 2 days off the piste - snowboarding among the trees;) We have to say it's like magic. It was our first backcountry touring trip. With the help and guidance from Victor, we managed to rent the split boards and climb almost all the way to the peak (4 hours!), and ride down on the power. The view and experience are both spectacular! We are looking forward to coming back next year when the weather and snow conditions are better and hopefully, we will be able to reach different Pirin mountain peaks. Thank you, Victor ☺
Mantente al día con las mejores aventuras.