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Esquí de travesía desde Refugio Jakob en Bariloche, Patagonia Norte (3 días)

Esquí de travesía desde Refugio Jakob en Bariloche, Patagonia Norte (3 días)
Esquí de travesía desde Refugio Jakob en Bariloche, Patagonia Norte (3 días)

Únete al guía certificado por la IFMGA, Indio, para una aventura de esquí de travesía de 3 días en Bariloche, en la Patagonia Argentina, que te llevará al Refugio Jakob.



3 Días

Jul - Sep



Aspectos destacados

  • Pasa 3 días de esquí de travesía alrededor del Refugio Jakob en Bariloche.
  • Elige entre numerosos lugares diferentes alrededor del refugio.
  • Disfruta de vistas fantásticas de la Patagonia argentina norte.


Ubicado en la Patagonia argentina norte, el Refugio Jakob es un excelente lugar para basar una aventura de esquí de travesía. Y durante 3 días, disfrutarás de muchísimos descensos increíbles en Bariloche.

Nuestro programa comenzará temprano en la mañana en Bariloche. Desde allí, nos dirigiremos al centro de esquí Cerro Catedral. Una vez allí, luego nos dirigiremos al valle de Rucaco, cerca del Refugio Jakob. Después de eso, disfrutarás de un día entero de fantástico esquí. Posteriormente, volveremos al refugio, donde podrás comer una deliciosa cena antes de dormir.

En el segundo día del programa, después del desayuno, esquiaremos en varios lugares alrededor del refugio. Estos lugares incluyen el paso Schweizer, las colinas de los Constructores, Cela y más. Cada uno de estos lugares te emocionará sin duda. También están llenos de vistas fantásticas de Patagonia. Después, volveremos al refugio para la cena y el descanso.

En el último día del programa, después del desayuno, nos dirigiremos de regreso a Bariloche, eligiendo la mejor ruta basada en las condiciones de nieve y clima.

Para participar en este programa, debes ser un esquiador experimentado. También debes estar en buena condición física.

Esquiar alrededor del Refugio Jakob en Bariloche es una experiencia inolvidable. Y en este programa, tendrás 3 días para disfrutar las diversas pistas y vistas alrededor del famoso refugio. Para unirte a mí en esta aventura, sólo envía una solicitud.

También puedo llevarte en otra aventura de esquí de travesía de 3 días en el Refugio Frey.

El precio incluye

  • Alojamiento incluido
  • Tarifa de guía
  • Desayuno
  • Almuerzo
  • Cena
  • Transporte durante el viaje

Detalles del precio

  • Junto con la tarifa de guía, el precio también incluye comidas, GPS y alojamiento.
  • El precio no incluye equipo de esquí, equipo de seguridad y pase de esquí de Cerro Catedral.

Sobre el guía

Guide profile image




Guía de Montaña

I am an IFMGA and a High Mountain AAGM certified Mountain Guide. I was born in San Juan, where I found my passion for the mountains when I was a child. Today my home is El Chalten, this magical place where I have my family and where I work and live since 2008.

I have climbed many different peaks along the Andes, as well as in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, France, Spain, Germany Italy, Austria and Switzerland. I have climbed great mountains and new routes in Patagonia, both in Cerro Torre and in the Fitz Roy mountains. I climbed Mount Fitz Roy five times and Mount Torre three times. All of them through different routes and some of them opening a new one.

One of my biggest achievements was the Standhardt - Herron - Egger traverse and the "Directa Huarpe" new route, on the west face of Cerro Torre. As well as climbing the Tehuelche route on the Fitz Roy hill in 16 hours.

I also guide in the Central Andes, in places such as Cerro Mercedario and Vallecitos in Mendoza, among other mountains. I am also a Mountaineering and Climbing instructor in different associations and member of the relief committee at the Club Andino Mercedario of the San Juan Province. I am also a member of the technical committee of the Argentine Association of Mountain Guides, in which I am part of the staff of instructors for IFMGA guides.

I guide my clients mainly in Patagonia. I spend summer in the town of El Chalten and I move to Bariloche, in northern Patagonia, in the winter, where I guide more technical excursions, like ice and/or rock climbing, as well as classic mountaineering ascents. During the year I also guide in the mountains of Peru, Bolivia and in Europe.

Even when I’m not working I enjoy climbing, bouldering, sport skiing and mountaineering. Keeping at my highest level of performance helps me ensure my clients’ safety, that is always my top priority.





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Lo que la gente dice sobre Indio



Due to bad weather, we had to move the day of the climb, and instead of Indio, Pipa took me to the walls across the river in the Paredon de Los Condores. We had a great day of climbing; Pipa was super chilled and knowledgeable, sharing a lot of helpful tips and guiding me up the wall. We started with easy climbs and kept progressing until maxing it out. I had a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to doing other climbs with Pipa whenever I get a chance to visit Chalten again. Highly recommend.



Had a great time!



(Not Indio) Juan was a very kind and knowledgeable guide. He knew exactly where to take us for warmups and hard climbing routes. His professionalism and attention to detail was clear on the multi pitch route we did - we felt safe and in control the entire time. Juan was also fun and we ended up with tons of local recommendations for things to do for the remainder of our trip. Thank you Patagonia Ascents. Communication was good, attention to detail was great.


Indio was a fun and skillful guide! My friend and I did multi and single pitch with him and felt very safe. We felt like we were climbing with a friend and learned along the way! We will be back, maybe next time mountaineering with Indio!


If you think of organising a trip to the "6miles" in Catamarca, I am in! Thanks for your guiding tour around "El Chalten"!

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