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Ascenso al Mont Blanc en 3 días



Ascenso al Mont Blanc en 3 días
Mont Blanc program
Mont Blanc climb
Mont Blanc trek
Mont Blanc trekking

Sumérgete en el arte del montañismo durante este curso intensivo de 3 días en los Alpes y presencia la belleza de las montañas mientras asciendes cada día. ¡Únete al guía de montaña certificado Mikel en este increíble ascenso al Mont Blanc!


3 Días

Jun - Sep



Aspectos destacados

  • Ascender el pico más alto de Europa (4810m) en una escalada gratificante de 3 días.
  • Perfecto para escaladores experimentados
  • Presencia vistas alpinas impresionantes.


Llegar a la cima del Mont Blanc (4810 m), el pico más alto de los Alpes, es un sueño para la mayoría de los amantes de la montaña.

El ascenso a la cumbre se ha vuelto muy popular y ofrece una experiencia gratificante. Sin embargo, debido a la alta altitud y a las condiciones del monte y los glaciares, esta escalada no es para subestimar. Las rutas pueden estar muy concurridas a veces.

Este ascenso de 3 días es perfecto para escaladores con un muy buen nivel de forma física y acclimatización previa o preparados para un largo esfuerzo en altitud. También, debes tener algunas habilidades de montañismo, como caminar con crampones, usar un piolet, etc.

Únete a mí en este ascenso de 3 días al pico más alto de los Alpes - ¡solicita reservar este programa!

¿Quieres adquirir las habilidades necesarias para embarcarte en esta expedición de escalada? ¡No busques más allá de mi programa Curso de cumbre del Mont Blanc de 1 semana con entrenamiento y aclimatación!

El precio incluye

  • Tarifa de guía

Detalles del precio

  • El precio incluye los honorarios del guía. No incluido en el precio: alojamiento en refugios de montaña, comida en refugios de montaña, transporte de teleférico para clientes y guía + alquiler de equipo para clientes si es necesario, seguro personal para clientes, bocadillos extra, etc.

Punto de encuentro



Día 1: Encuentro en Chamonix

Encuentro en el Centro de Chamonix, brief y revisión de equipo. Traslado a Les Houches o Le Fayet (Saint Gervais) y acceso al refugio de Tete Rousse.

Día 2: Día de cumbre

Escalada desde Tete Rousse hasta la cumbre del Mont Blanc y descenso/regreso al Refugio Gouter. Cena y noche en el Refugio Gouter.

Día 3: Descenso

Inicio temprano en la mañana y descenso a la estación de tren de Nid d’Aigle. Llegada de regreso a Les Houches o Saint Gervais y traslado de vuelta a Chamonix.



Descargo de responsabilidad

Por favor, ten en cuenta que estás reservando mi disponibilidad para la duración del programa. Aunque el Mont Blanc es el objetivo final, si las condiciones son inseguras, tendremos que adaptar el programa y escalar otra montaña. Consideraremos hacer montañismo en el Monte Rosa u otras opciones en el área de Chamonix. Aunque entiendo que puede ser frustrante, la seguridad es nuestra máxima prioridad. Cancelar debido a condiciones malas/inseguras no será posible ya que mis fechas estarán bloqueadas para ti.

Hay muchas opciones alternativas en caso de que las condiciones no sean adecuadas para ir al Mont Blanc. Elegiremos el mejor plan alternativo dependiendo del clima y las condiciones de la montaña/ruta, y el nivel de forma física y habilidad del cliente. Para mostrarte como ejemplo, y solo mencionar algunas, algunas de las posibles opciones alternativas podrían ser:

Mont Blanc du Tacul Mont Maudit Arête des Cosmiques Aiguille d’Entreves Vallee Blanche Traverse Tour Ronde Éperon des Cosmiques Aiguille du Tour Dent du Géant Arete des Papillons

Más información

No incluido en el precio: alojamiento en refugios de montaña, comida en refugios de montaña, transporte de teleférico para clientes y guía + alquiler de equipo para clientes si es necesario, seguro personal para clientes, bocadillos extra, etc.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Quién es adecuado para el ascenso de 3 días al Mont Blanc?

Este ascenso es ideal para escaladores con un muy buen nivel de forma física y aclimatación previa.

¿Qué habilidades de montañismo se requieren para el ascenso al Mont Blanc?

Los participantes deben ser competentes en habilidades esenciales de montañismo como caminar con crampones, usar un piolet y navegar terrenos desafiantes. Estas habilidades son cruciales para una escalada segura y placentera.

¿Qué está incluido en el precio?

La tarifa de guía está incluida en el precio

¿Qué no está incluido?

No incluido en el precio: alojamiento en refugios de montaña, comida en refugios de montaña, transporte de teleférico para clientes y guía + alquiler de equipo para clientes si es necesario, seguro personal para clientes, bocadillos extra, etc.

¿Cómo es el clima en el Mont Blanc?

El clima puede cambiar rápidamente en el Mont Blanc, con posibilidad de nieve, viento y temperaturas bajo cero incluso en verano.

¿Qué sucede si las condiciones (debido al clima y/o condiciones de la montaña) son inseguras para escalar el Mont Blanc?

Aunque el Mont Blanc es el objetivo último, si las condiciones son inseguras, tendremos que adaptar el programa y escalar otra montaña. Consideraremos hacer montañismo en el Monte Rosa u otras opciones en el área de Chamonix. Aunque entiendo que puede ser frustrante, la seguridad es nuestra máxima prioridad. Cancelar debido a condiciones malas/inseguras no será posible ya que mis fechas estarán bloqueadas para ti.

Hay muchas opciones alternativas en caso de que las condiciones no sean adecuadas para ir al Mont Blanc.

Elegiremos el mejor plan alternativo dependiendo del clima y las condiciones de la montaña/ruta, y el nivel de forma física y habilidad del cliente. Para mostrarte como ejemplo, y solo mencionar algunas, algunas de las posibles opciones alternativas podrían ser:

Mont Blanc du Tacul

Mont Maudit

Arête des Cosmiques

Aiguille d’Entreves

Vallee Blanche Traverse

Tour Ronde

Éperon des Cosmiques

Aiguille du Tour

Dent du Géant

Arete des Papillons

Sobre el guía

Guide profile image




Guía de Montaña

IFMGA Mountain Guides based in between the Basque Country and Chamonix. I guide either in the Pyrenees and in Picos de Europa, and in the French and Swiss Alps as well.


Español | Inglés



Reseñas con imágenes

Mikel was perfect for me. It was the perfect guide. It was there to help me, to explain to me everything to show me the rute of the track, to give me advices about what i can improve or at what i’m good at. I would really love to have him again and climb another pick together. It was amazing. The all journey was so amazing that i started to cry of happiness and beautiful. The food from the huts were so so good and i’m a vegetarian ( eating cheese, love french cheese, eggs, milk) 

Thank you so much for this amazing journey, thank you for going out of the comfort zone ( i love when i’ m out of my comfort zone ). 5
Mikel was perfect for me. It was the perfect guide. It was there to help me, to explain to me everything to show me the rute of the track, to give me advices about what i can improve or at what i’m good at. I would really love to have him again and climb another pick together. It was amazing. The all journey was so amazing that i started to cry of happiness and beautiful. The food from the huts were so so good and i’m a vegetarian ( eating cheese, love french cheese, eggs, milk) 

Thank you so much for this amazing journey, thank you for going out of the comfort zone ( i love when i’ m out of my comfort zone ). 5
Mikel was perfect for me. It was the perfect guide. It was there to help me, to explain to me everything to show me the rute of the track, to give me advices about what i can improve or at what i’m good at. I would really love to have him again and climb another pick together. It was amazing. The all journey was so amazing that i started to cry of happiness and beautiful. The food from the huts were so so good and i’m a vegetarian ( eating cheese, love french cheese, eggs, milk) 

Thank you so much for this amazing journey, thank you for going out of the comfort zone ( i love when i’ m out of my comfort zone ). 5
Mikel was perfect for me. It was the perfect guide. It was there to help me, to explain to me everything to show me the rute of the track, to give me advices about what i can improve or at what i’m good at. I would really love to have him again and climb another pick together. It was amazing. The all journey was so amazing that i started to cry of happiness and beautiful. The food from the huts were so so good and i’m a vegetarian ( eating cheese, love french cheese, eggs, milk) 

Thank you so much for this amazing journey, thank you for going out of the comfort zone ( i love when i’ m out of my comfort zone ). 5
Mikel was perfect for me. It was the perfect guide. It was there to help me, to explain to me everything to show me the rute of the track, to give me advices about what i can improve or at what i’m good at. I would really love to have him again and climb another pick together. It was amazing. The all journey was so amazing that i started to cry of happiness and beautiful. The food from the huts were so so good and i’m a vegetarian ( eating cheese, love french cheese, eggs, milk) 

Thank you so much for this amazing journey, thank you for going out of the comfort zone ( i love when i’ m out of my comfort zone ). 5

Lo que la gente dice sobre este viaje


Unexperienced guide, assigned only 2 days before the beginning of the trip. We changed the trip to a much simpler and less demanding hike when we found out the weather wasn't good, but when we asked if we could get partial refund, we were met with a deafening silence...



Mikel was perfect for me. It was the perfect guide. It was there to help me, to explain to me everything to show me the rute of the track, to give me advices about what i can improve or at what i’m good at. I would really love to have him again and climb another pick together. It was amazing. The all journey was so amazing that i started to cry of happiness and beautiful. The food from the huts were so so good and i’m a vegetarian ( eating cheese, love french cheese, eggs, milk) Thank you so much for this amazing journey, thank you for going out of the comfort zone ( i love when i’ m out of my comfort zone ).

Mikel was perfect for me. It was the perfect guide. It was there to help me, to explain to me everything to show me the rute of the track, to give me advices about what i can improve or at what i’m good at. I would really love to have him again and climb another pick together. It was amazing. The all journey was so amazing that i started to cry of happiness and beautiful. The food from the huts were so so good and i’m a vegetarian ( eating cheese, love french cheese, eggs, milk) 

Thank you so much for this amazing journey, thank you for going out of the comfort zone ( i love when i’ m out of my comfort zone ). Mikel was perfect for me. It was the perfect guide. It was there to help me, to explain to me everything to show me the rute of the track, to give me advices about what i can improve or at what i’m good at. I would really love to have him again and climb another pick together. It was amazing. The all journey was so amazing that i started to cry of happiness and beautiful. The food from the huts were so so good and i’m a vegetarian ( eating cheese, love french cheese, eggs, milk) 

Thank you so much for this amazing journey, thank you for going out of the comfort zone ( i love when i’ m out of my comfort zone ). Mikel was perfect for me. It was the perfect guide. It was there to help me, to explain to me everything to show me the rute of the track, to give me advices about what i can improve or at what i’m good at. I would really love to have him again and climb another pick together. It was amazing. The all journey was so amazing that i started to cry of happiness and beautiful. The food from the huts were so so good and i’m a vegetarian ( eating cheese, love french cheese, eggs, milk) 

Thank you so much for this amazing journey, thank you for going out of the comfort zone ( i love when i’ m out of my comfort zone ). Mikel was perfect for me. It was the perfect guide. It was there to help me, to explain to me everything to show me the rute of the track, to give me advices about what i can improve or at what i’m good at. I would really love to have him again and climb another pick together. It was amazing. The all journey was so amazing that i started to cry of happiness and beautiful. The food from the huts were so so good and i’m a vegetarian ( eating cheese, love french cheese, eggs, milk) 

Thank you so much for this amazing journey, thank you for going out of the comfort zone ( i love when i’ m out of my comfort zone ). Mikel was perfect for me. It was the perfect guide. It was there to help me, to explain to me everything to show me the rute of the track, to give me advices about what i can improve or at what i’m good at. I would really love to have him again and climb another pick together. It was amazing. The all journey was so amazing that i started to cry of happiness and beautiful. The food from the huts were so so good and i’m a vegetarian ( eating cheese, love french cheese, eggs, milk) 

Thank you so much for this amazing journey, thank you for going out of the comfort zone ( i love when i’ m out of my comfort zone ).

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