Únete a un increíble curso de escalada en roca nivel intermedio en Kalymnos y perfecciona tus habilidades con Tania, una guía certificada con más de 15 años de experiencia en este paraíso de la escalada.
6 Días
Mar - Nov
¿Te gustaría llevar tu escalada en roca a un nivel completamente nuevo? Entonces este curso de mejora de escalada en roca nivel intermedio de 6 días en Kalymnos es justo para ti.
Este curso está destinado para escaladores con alguna experiencia que desean llevar sus habilidades al siguiente nivel y salir de su zona de confort. Se realiza a lo largo de 6 días: 5 días de escalada y 1 día de descanso. Cada día de escalada pasarás 7 horas en las rocas recibiendo entrenamiento personalizado en un grupo pequeño de alrededor de 4 escaladores. Trabajarás en construir confianza y ajustar tus habilidades en uno de los mejores destinos de escalada del mundo. Puedes encontrar un resumen del itinerario del curso a continuación.
Para unirte a este curso, debes sentirte cómodo escalando en entornos de 5c a 6b/c. Además, debes estar listo para divertirte y disfrutar de las increíbles oportunidades que Kalymnos tiene para ofrecer.
Entonces, ¿estás listo para llevar tu escalada a otro nivel? ¡Envía tu solicitud hoy y prepárate para un curso de escalada en roca inolvidable en Kalymnos!
Comenzaremos observando a los participantes mientras escalan para identificar los puntos débiles y fuertes de cada escalador. Principalmente escalaremos en top rope dependiendo del nivel y experiencia de los participantes.
En el día 2 nos enfocaremos en técnicas relacionadas al trabajo de pies y fundamentos del equilibrio, y posicionamiento del cuerpo en diferentes ángulos como placas, pendientes, escaladas verticales y técnicas de escalada en tufa.
Entrenamiento mental y trabajo en caídas y posiciones de descanso.
Opciones posibles: buceo, esnórquel con delfines, caminata botánica, yoga.
Enfoque en técnicas de onsight y tácticas estratégicas para ser eficiente y mantener la concentración.
Enfoque en técnicas de redpoint y aprender cómo abordar y elegir proyectos inteligentemente.
Otro equipo
hiking or running shoes for approach, comfortable clothes
Instructor de Escalada en Roca
Rock Climbing Instructor (French National Diploma)
Tania is a passionate adventurer, a dedicated climber and an ex-computer engineer. Inspired by the beauty of the natural environment and after many years of climbing outdoors and travelling to different climbing destinations she decided to become a climbing instructor. Her goal as a rock climbing guide is to inspire others to cultivate a more joyful and positive approach to the challenging sport of climbing and life.
In 2012 she was the first Cypriot woman to be accepted, trained and qualified by the French National climbing school as a rock climbing guide. This is a highly regarded and internationally recognized qualification. Since 2013, Tania has taught climbing and has run climbing & yoga retreats throughout the year in different locations in Europe. Most recently, in 2016, she also became a Stott Pilates Mat instructor. Tania speaks Greek and she is fluent in French and English.
With the intention of creating an environment in which to share, play, teach and evolve experience in climbing, Tania founded Climb Mediterranean in 2015 in Kalymnos, a world-class climbing destination.
Griego | Francés | Inglés
Tania was an amazing guide. I had never outdoor rock climbed before and she was very patient and a great teacher. She picked me up right from outside my hotel every morning and dropped me off in the afternoon. Provided all rock climbing equipment besides shoes and overall did an absolutely fabulous job. I would highly recommend her to guide any of your rock climbing trips as she was well experienced and overall exceptional!
Climbing in Kalymnos with Tania was such a wonderful experience. She is a terrific teacher who gets to know all of her students on a personal indepth level and can adapt her sessions to suit all needs and abilitie so that everyone in the group is working at a good individual level, this is a really important skill when teaching rock climbing and one that I feel Tania has definitely mastered. My climbing technique improved dramatically after 5days with Tania and I climbed to my highest outdoor grade under her supervision, I can’t recommend her highly enough as a rock climbing instructor. Climbing aside, shes a really awesome chick and an incredibly warm person who is just fun to be around.
Tania was my climbing instructor during a yoga and climbing holidays in Kalymnos. She is the best climbing instructor you can imagine! she is passionate, kind, gentle and she has lots of patience. She has a second sense to know when she can push your boundaries and when isn’t a good time. She is also very conscious about safety while climbing and she pass that on to her students, so that you are also able to be safe and enjoy climbing when you go on your own.And all that while having lots of fun!
Je recommande vivement de grimper avec Tania Matsuka. Les stages d’escalade / yoga qu’elle propose à Kalymnos et à Chypre sont tout à fait adaptés à tous les niveaux. Elle est une excellente professeur d’escalade, attentive et soucieuse d’aider les participants à améliorer leur grimpe à leur rythme et dans la bonne humeur. La combinaison avec les séances de yoga proposées par Nazo est un véritable atout: assouplissement, détente… Que du bonheur en plus dans des endroits merveilleux qu’elle vous fait découvrir.
Without a doubt these ladies are talented! They encourage you every step of way and Tania has a gift for honing your abilities without you even realizing – you will be amazed at what you can achieve. The gentle approach and exceptional descriptive talk through each movement at the yoga sessions means you can work through the yoga moves with your eyes closed. The connection between the climbing and the yoga is incredible and the balance is just right. These ladies are inspirational…
Mantente al día con las mejores aventuras.