¡Únete a una formación única de 3 días de autonomía en escalada en roca en España y descubre diferentes ubicaciones y tipos de roca mientras llevas tu escalada de interior al aire libre!
3 Días
Ene, Mar - May, Sep - Dic
En esta aventura de escalada en roca de 3 días, tendremos la oportunidad de aprender cómo escalar de manera autónoma en las increíbles formaciones rocosas en las regiones de Huesca, Vadiello, Alquezar y Riglos.
Este es el programa ideal para escaladores de interior listos para llevarlo al siguiente nivel. Cada día iremos a un lugar diferente y allí, practicaremos diferentes aspectos de la escalada al aire libre, incluyendo aseguramiento y rappel, liderazgo y auto-rescate básico, y escalada multilargos.
Si te gustaría unirte a esta emocionante aventura de escalada en roca en España, entonces envía tu solicitud y estaremos encantados de guiarte y mostrarte algunos lugares increíbles para escalar en roca!
Punto de encuentro
Gafas de sol
Alquiler de equipo en el sitio
Guía de Montaña
Rock climbing and canyoning guide since 1995, with experience in teaching future rock climbing guides. She led the Spanish female alpinism team and now guides and teaches in the Pyrenees, where she lives.
As a pro climber, Buil has a stellar high-peaks resume with expeditions to places like Pakistan, the Andes, Greenland, Alaska and Patagonia, but is also a gifted big wall climber, having climbed El Capitan a dozen times and established landmark climbs on Mexico’s massive monolith El Gigante. She also specializes in ice climbing, having climbing and opened new routes in each continent. She is sponsored by Patagonia, Petzl, Boreal, Saint Lary and Huesca La Magia.
Francés | Inglés
Passionée, experte et sympathique ! Un plaisir
Cecilia was the absolute best guide ever! We booked 3 days of climbing for my 20 year old son and his girlfriend and could not have asked for anything more. She is an amazing person who is beyond knowledgable, strong, inspiring and kind. Such an incredibly beautiful part of the world too. We were all sad to see it end and really a dream come true for my kids! Thank you Cecilia, we miss you already!
Cecelia is an excellent guide and climber. She was adaptable and encouraging, as well as friendly and knowledgeable about all things climbing. I am grateful for the chance to climb with such a pro.
Cecilia was a phenomenal guide! I highly recommend everyone check out Riglos with Cecilia because the rock quality was so unique and fantastic, and she found the perfect route at the level I requested (5.9). Cecilia is so knowledgeable, encouraging, and fun to climb with. I hope to come back and climb with her again some day!
Mantente al día con las mejores aventuras.