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Ascenso guiado al Volcán Colmillo del Diablo

Guided climbing trip to Colmillo del Diablo Volcano 12

El Colmillo del Diablo es un ascenso clásico en Chile. Puedes hacerlo en 2 días o en un largo día. Tu guía será el guía local IFMGA Cristobal.


+1 Día

Jun - Sep




Volcán Colmillo del Diablo (Colmillo del Diablo en inglés) es un estratovolcán dentro del Parque Nacional Villarrica. Junto con su vecino Monte Peinetas, custodian el Valle del Río Trancura, formando un hermoso paisaje. Gracias a su formación volcánica con terreno alpino, el Colmillo del Diablo es un ascenso clásico con una vista increíble desde su cima.

También conocido como el Volcán Quinquilil, el origen de su nombre probablemente proviene del idioma Mapuche. Quinque es el nombre de una planta nativa y lil significa roca. Así que su significado sería "roca con quinques". En cuanto al nombre Colmillo del Diablo, se debe a la forma puntiaguda de su cima que se asemeja a un colmillo.

La ruta clásica para acceder a esta cima es a través del Puesco Alto. El ascenso implica superar pendientes abruptas junto con secciones de escalada en hielo y terreno mixto. Siempre se recomienda ascender el Colmillo del Diablo en invierno para evitar restos volcánicos inestables.

Dependiendo de las condiciones del grupo, podemos hacerlo en solo un día. De lo contrario, pasaremos la noche en el valle y regresaremos al día siguiente.

Entonces, ¿por qué no vienes conmigo y disfrutas de la belleza salvaje de Chile? Guío a pequeños grupos para ofrecer un viaje a medida. Si no estoy disponible en el momento de tu llegada, mi hermano Juan dirigirá este ascenso.

Por favor, completa el formulario y ponte en contacto conmigo. ¡Conquistemos el Volcán Quinquilil juntos!

El precio incluye

- Tarifa de guía

Sobre el guía

Guide profile image




Guía de Montaña

IFMGA/UIAGM Mountain Guide from Chile

I was born in 1990, and I always been surrounded by mountains, with family and friends in the Andes.

I did the first Chilean ascent to Cerro Torre via Ferrari route, four ascents to Mt, Fitz Roy, more than 12 to Torres del Paine and the first alpine traverse of the three towers.

I also climbed in the Himalayas, Yosemite, and other Andean countries such as Argentina, Bolivia and Peru.

I did the IFMGA/UIAGM aspirant course in 2017 in Bolivia, and completed the AIARE level 2 avalanche training.

I work together with my brother Juan (we are the Señoret Brothers). Contact me if you want to discover the most beautiful mountain spots in Chile!



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Lo que la gente dice sobre Cristobal



Everything was great- we lucked out and had good snow!



Cristobel was a very knowledgeable guide and he provided a good level of encouragement to push me through hard sections of climbing rather than letting me give up. Unfortunately, my original guide for two days of climbing was unable to make it and so I was rebooked for 1 day of climbing with Cristobel. What was upsetting about this was that it was more expensive to complete 1 day of climbing compared to the two days I was originally booked in for. I ended up having to pay more money for half the climbing. I think Explore-Share could improve by having a more consistent price structure for the guides, or at least being clear about why one guide is more expensive.



Great guide. Picked a well-rounded spot for a new group, with numerous options. Understanding of our lack of time at altitude. Great guy.



Excellent day at Portillo with Cristobal. He gave us several options in a planning session the night before. He also communicated well on the day of about current conditions and what we were seeing. We ended up doing a secondary objective due to what we saw in the field.



We had a great trip with Cristobal Senoret in torres del paine!  He was very knowledgeable and helpful.  Beautiful backcountry.

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