Explora a fondo la isla griega de Kalymnos en una emocionante aventura de escalada en roca de 7 días con el guía certificado por AEGM, Santiago.
7 Días
Ago, Sep
Sube a bordo del lujoso catamarán y disfruta de algunos de los días más espectaculares entre la belleza prístina del Mediterráneo.
Viaja entre las olas mientras empapas todos tus sentidos con vistas impresionantes, sonidos y olores.
Duerme en bahías nuevas y vibrantes cada noche antes de emocionantes escaladas en fisuras frescas.
Kalymnos es una isla de forma aproximadamente rectangular rodeada por una colección de islotes que están dispersos a través del mar Egeo.
La isla principalmente montañosa es hogar de 3 cadenas principales que se extienden de oeste a noroeste y de este a sureste.
Manantiales térmicos brotan del suelo calizo. Tierra volcánica descansa en los pueblos de Myrties y Kantouni, restos de antiguos volcanes.
La isla mayormente árida presenta calas protegidas, mientras que en los valles de Pothia y Vathys brotan olivos, naranjas y viñedos.
No se necesita experiencia previa para unirte a esta emocionante excursión de 7 días.
Ponte en contacto ahora para reservar tu lugar en la impresionante isla griega de Kalymnos para un viaje de escalada en roca de 1 semana.
Punto de encuentro
Más información
Trae contigo equipo de escalada personal: arnés, zapatos de escalada y casco.
Guía de Montaña
I’ve been climbing and guiding for more than 15 years. I am a certified climbing and ski guide. I love sharing my passion for the mountains and making all climbing experiences safe and fun.
I’ve climbed mountains all over the world, in Europe, Asia, North America and South America. My proudest climbing achievments are the peaks I climbed in Patagonia. I spend most of the year climbing and guiding in Catalunya.
Our guide Sol was amazing! The weather was a bit rainy, but she did her best to find the best place to climb despite the weather. She was super friendly, and taught us many things both about climbing and the lovely area. We had a great time and high recommend climbing with Sol!
I had a fantastic trip in Tarragona, I really wasn't sure what to expect initially, but Santi was both a great guide and teacher. Each day was more challenging than the previous and I was able to push myself while remaining safe.
Great rock climbing experience in Tarragona area with Santiago. H adjusted for our level and made is safe and memorable. He even took great pictures of us as we were climbing. Definitely will work with him again!
I had a lovely four days climbing in Siurana, Margalef and Montsant with Giordano. He showed me not only great climbing spots but also some of the villages, sharing his knowledge of the culture and history. He was very observant of my climbing, bringing me to routes that were fun and challenging for me. It was lovely to have someone teach me so much about the way I climb and bring out the best in my climbing. Above all he was a great friend throughout my time in the mountains. I can’t thank him enough for the wonderful time I had and I would highly recommend booking in a trip with SouthClimb!
Amazing guide and climbing
Mantente al día con las mejores aventuras.