¡Únete al guía de alpinismo certificado por EPGAMT, Joaquín, para esta emocionante excursión de alpinismo de 2 días en las espectaculares montañas de la región de Mendoza, Argentina!
2 Días
Todo el año
Con alrededor de 1000 montañas y picos, el paisaje de la provincia de Mendoza en Argentina es un espectáculo impresionante. ¿Cómo te gustaría personalizar tu propia excursión de alpinismo con sus amplias oportunidades?!
Te ofrezco un viaje de dos días en las montañas donde alcanzaremos la cima de aproximadamente 4000 metros sobre el nivel del mar.
Nos encontraremos en la ciudad de Mendoza y viajaremos juntos a la montaña (probablemente un viaje de 2-3 horas). En nuestro primer día, haremos una caminata y nos aclimataremos a las condiciones y altitud.
El segundo día, alcanzaremos la cima de la montaña, disfrutaremos de vistas increíbles del paisaje montañoso circundante y luego descenderemos por la tarde antes de regresar a la ciudad.
Puedes elegir entre diferentes picos de la hermosa cadena 'Cordón del Plata', incluyendo; Cerro Stepanek, Cerro San Bernardo, Cerro Santa Elena, Cerro Adolfo Calle, etc.
También depende de ti qué alojamiento te gustaría usar, podemos acampar en las montañas bajo el increíble cielo estrellado o descansar en un cómodo refugio de montaña.
Dada tu ubicación, no puedes dejar Mendoza sin probar algunos de los fantásticos vinos locales, que van mejor cuando se beben con una comida tradicional de asado. Un asado te ofrece una selección de carnes a la parrilla para elegir.
Aquí tienes la oportunidad de personalizar tu propio viaje en el impresionante y salvaje paisaje de Mendoza y alcanzar una montaña de 4000m. ¡Inscríbete ahora si quieres ser parte de esta emocionante excursión, no puedo esperar para compartir esta experiencia contigo!
Si estás en la región, considera unirte a mí en esta caminata de 1 día a través de 4 picos con hermosos paisajes montañosos y en excelente compañía. ¡O si buscas un desafío mayor, consulta esta asombrosa ascensión de 8 días al épico pico de 5968m del Cerro Plata en Mendoza!
Punto de encuentro
Guía Alpino
I was born in Córdoba, Argentina, where I was able to venture into mountaineering more than ten years ago. I took my first steps in the Sierras de Córdoba, and from there, I set out to explore higher mountains.
Five years ago, I achieved my dreams when I came to Mendoza to become a professional mountain guide and earn a living doing what I love. Two years from now, we created our own adventure tourism company in Mendoza.
For the last 3 years, I have been working in a foundation, as an instructor in first aid and rescue in wild areas, training government agencies, guides, etc. I have made Advanced emergency medical technician in Buenos Aires, with real ambulance hours.
Join me in one of my programs and discover the Andes with me.
Awesome trip! So worth it! Super przygoda. Mój przewodnik Pablo, świetnie zna góry i zaopiekował się mną. Polecam tą firmę i tego przewodnika!
Highly recommended!!! Joaquín and Venina were fantastic and fun guides! On the first day we went out to approx 3200m for acclimatization and enjoyed a delicious meal next to the tent with fantastic views. On the second day we went up to the summit. We felt save and in great company during the whole trip. Communication before and after was easy, fast and helpful e.g. for renting some equipment. Would definitely do it again!
Overall, this was a fantastic hike. You get some astonishing views and can take different routes according to your fitness level and interest. Personally, I enjoyed our quick stay at the high camp where we got to meet several people who were acclimatising for their ascends to the higher peaks. Also, we really enjoyed the time with Joaquin. Thanks to his fun personality and intersting conversations (also fluent in English which helped in my case) the time together went by way too quickly. Even before the beginning of the trip he gave us a lot of proactive advise when we wanted to choose a route that suited our demands and later he helped us with finding places to get some extra gear. During the trip and thanks to Joaquins deep knowledge of the region, he was able to adapt the route we were taking when my friend suffered from some altitude sickness. Also, a big plus was the great food that we had during the trip, including some (fantastic!) homemade carrot mayo and the asado we prepared on the first evening which was the best meal we had in Argentina.
I did a four days mountaineering tour with Joaquin and it was great. Joaquin understands to put the foucs on the needs of the customers and his knowledges about the region in the Andes is quite extensive. It was especially great beacuse the nice personality of Jaoquin allowed us to have good talks and insights about the Argentinian culture and life. Can only recommend him!
Destino Montana was a superb guiding service. I would highly recommend them!
Mantente al día con las mejores aventuras.