Sigue a Marco, guía de montaña certificado por la IFMGA, en un emocionante trekking en las montañas Dolomitas. ¡Explora un escenario alpino único a los pies de las Tre Cime di Lavaredo!
1 Día
Jun - Oct
¿Te gustaría descubrir un increíble entorno alpino en el noreste de Italia? Entonces tengo el tour perfecto para ti: únete a mí en una aventura de senderismo alrededor de las Tre Cime di Lavaredo, el grupo de montañas más famoso de las Dolomitas.
Las Tre Cime di Lavaredo (también conocidas como Drei Zinnen) consisten en tres prominencias rocosas masivas que se elevan desde un hermoso valle. Rodeada por encantadores pueblos de montaña como Auronzo di Cadore y Sexten, esta región atrae a montañeros, escaladores y senderistas de todo el mundo.
En esta caminata de un día alrededor de las Tre Cime di Lavaredo, nos sumergiremos en un paisaje único y disfrutaremos de vistas impresionantes. Ten en cuenta que podemos adaptar el itinerario a tus habilidades y deseos. Se requiere un buen nivel de forma física, pero no cruzaremos ninguna sección difícil.
Además, las Tre Cime son aptas para todas las edades. Si estás aquí en unas vacaciones familiares, a tus hijos les encantará esta aventura alpina en el corazón de las Dolomitas.
Entonces, ¿te gustaría disfrutar de una caminata de un día en los Alpes italianos? Entonces contáctame y exploremos el área de las Tre Cime di Lavaredo!
Las Dolomitas también son un destino perfecto para experiencias de vía ferrata. Si quieres probar ese tipo de escalada, consulta mi experiencia de vía ferrata de 1 día en las Dolomitas, cerca de Cortina d'Ampezzo.
Punto de encuentro
Botella de agua
Gafas de sol
Guía de Montaña
I was still a child when my passion for high altitude began and grew with me. I was born in Trieste, Italy. Still young, I was carried by my parents, passionate trekkers, onto the mountains.
In the following years, I did all the activities one can do on mountains; from rock climbing to classic rock routes, to high altitude, to ice falls, to ski-touring, to free-riding, to spending every period of my free time wearing climbing shoes, ski-boots or crampons; the different equipment depended on the season I was in.
This passion for open spaces drove me and helped me make solid and long experiences in every kind of mountain activity there is. I graduated in Sports Science in order to pave the way to becoming an Alpine Guide.
Passion for outdoor life; independent of which activity you are doing—this is what I promote. Climbing, skiing, mountaineering, these activities are not a gym where we show off to others. They are reason to travel and explore new places that don’t belong in our ordinary, everyday life. They are a way to live as true adventurers. During any mountain trip, I take in the beauty of nature and enjoy relaxing in it.
Italiano | Inglés
Our guide with Fani, she was a knowledgeable, competent and friendly guide
Marco was a fantastic guide and great company. The website connecting us to the various hiking options was easy to navigate. Once we chose Marco’s trek, he was very quick to respond to my emails and provided all of the information I requested about the details of the hike and he asked questions to help him provide the perfect hiking experience. Marco was extremely knowledgeable about the history and geology of the environs during our hike around d Tre Cime di Lavaredo. He answered all of our questions and was very engaged with each member of our family. He provided us with a very interesting and fun adventure. Everyone in my family had a wonderful tour with Marco. We all enthusiastically recommend it.
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