(70 reseñas)
Compara y reserva un guía certificado para tu viaje en Explore-Share.com: más de 1500 guías, en más de 70 países y más de 8000 programas diferentes para elegir. Elige de nuestra selección de viajes de Ascenso en el Parque Nacional La Malinche. ¡Las montañas están llamando!
"Easy booking for a perfect adventure!"
Lee lo que otros están diciendo
Great trip - Alvaro and the boys took care of everything for my wife and I during the Trilogy/Triple Peak Trip! Food, transports, tents, gear - all went well. Gustavo, Meesh, Abrahim, Dani, and Oscar were awesome guides and got us there and back. They even helped with a flexible itinerary to help changes in our party's schedule.
Trip was absolutely wonderful! Very professionally organized logistics and amazing guides. 5 stars all over!
The guides were very attentive. The driver service was not good. Got lost and no GPS ... I had to use my cell phone and GPS to find the routes to base camp. The food provided on mountain was ... OK. The planning was changing and was not appropriate to succeed. Don't go with 3summits!
Fantastic Guides. Excellent English Language. Incredible scenery. Brilliant Trip
I was someone with little experience. Alvaro and Maca at Explore-Share did such an amazing job helping me to prepare properly. I was able to use their equipment in cases where I was missing anything. The trip went perfectly . . . I had my own guide, so I could climb the mountain at my own (slower) pace, which I highly recommend!
Mantente al día con las mejores aventuras.