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Ascenso en Argentina: Los mejores programas al aire libre te esperan


(168 reseñas)

Argentina es una tierra vasta y diversa, que abarca desde los trópicos del Norte, las Pampas y los Andes en el Oeste, Buenos Aires en el Este, y la imponente Patagonia en el Sur. El ascenso de montañas es una actividad excelente para conocer el vientre de este hermoso país.

Argentina evoca imágenes de enormes y vastas llanuras desoladas enmarcadas por montañas imponentes y majestuosas, con campos de hierba plana y ciudades románticas salpicando el paisaje. Los Andes y la Patagonia son dos de las maravillas naturales más impresionantes de la tierra, con Buenos Aires siendo una de las grandes ciudades del mundo. Ascender las famosas montañas de este país es una experiencia increíblemente especial, ya que la amplia gama de paisajes y la pura magnitud épica del escenario quitan el aliento. ¡Elige de nuestra selección de ascensos en Argentina, y prepárate para enamorarte de este lugar exquisito!

Ascenso en Argentina

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Preguntas frecuentes: Montañismo en Argentina

¿Qué debería saber sobre Montañismo en Argentina?

Argentina es un país muy grande, con cada tipo concebible de clima y paisaje posibles ubicados dentro. Cada región tiene su propia cultura distintiva, así que intenta aprender más sobre cada una para descubrir cuán diverso es este lugar.

Algunos de los ascensos pueden ser extremadamente difíciles, así que asegúrate de tener un buen nivel de forma física antes de emprender.

¿Por qué debería elegir Argentina para mi aventura de Montañismo?

El Paisaje

El paisaje de Argentina es absolutamente impresionante y sobrecogedor, con vastas extensiones de campos y pampas que dan paso a enormes lagos, montañas gigantes y formaciones rocosas secas. Patagonia, en particular, ha sido una fuente de fascinación durante siglos, con su terreno de otro mundo y su pura vacuidad creando un territorio único en el fondo del mundo.

La Cultura

La cultura de Argentina está fuertemente moldeada por su historia cargada de inmigrantes, con influencias coloniales españolas e italianas todavía muy presentes. Carne roja, vino, tango y hermoso arte son solo algunas de las delicias culturales maravillosas para probar, con noches tardías y un ambiente divertido que impregna el país.

Las Ciudades

Argentina contiene ciudades fantásticas, con la mundialmente famosa, tumultuosa e intoxicante Buenos Aires como ejemplo obvio. Otros lugares como Mendoza, Córdoba, Rosario y Salta tienen culturas, costumbres y tradiciones únicas y distintas, con historias interesantes y arquitectura suntuosa por doquier.

¿Qué puedo esperar del clima en Argentina?

Veranos calurosos e Inviernos suaves en la mayoría del país, con Patagonia muy fría durante la mayor parte del año.

¿Qué idioma se habla predominantemente en Argentina?


¿Qué moneda se acepta en Argentina?

Peso Argentino

¿Cómo puedo llegar a Argentina?

Vuelos a Buenos Aires desde la mayoría de los centros de América del Sur/Centro/Norte, con muchos más desde Europa.

¿Cuál es el código de país de Argentina?


¿Cuál es la temporada alta para Montañismo en Argentina?

Octubre-Marzo, cuando el clima es más cálido y las condiciones más secas.

Lo que la gente dice sobre Montañismo | Argentina


Destino Montana was a superb guiding service. I would highly recommend them!

Overall, this was a fantastic hike. You get some astonishing views and can take different routes according to your fitness level and interest. Personally, I enjoyed our quick stay at the high camp where we got to meet several people who were acclimatising for their ascends to the higher peaks. Also, we really enjoyed the time with Joaquin. Thanks to his fun personality and intersting conversations (also fluent in English which helped in my case) the time together went by way too quickly. Even before the beginning of the trip he gave us a lot of proactive advise when we wanted to choose a route that suited our demands and later he helped us with finding places to get some extra gear. During the trip and thanks to Joaquins deep knowledge of the region, he was able to adapt the route we were taking when my friend suffered from some altitude sickness. Also, a big plus was the great food that we had during the trip, including some (fantastic!) homemade carrot mayo and the asado we prepared on the first evening which was the best meal we had in Argentina.

This review was for a guide (Gaston Lopez) sent by Hernan. This was the worst guiding I've experienced on any trip taken over the last 8 years on over a dozen trips around the world. Numerous issues that you would not expect from a guide who's been certified for 12+ years. The most significant being: suggested I could wear normal hiking boots on a 6016 meter mountain (Nevado San Francisco) when I've always worn doubles on 6000 and even on cold 5000 meter mountains. An inexperienced person could have had foot issues/frost bite as it was cold the day we summited. Not knowing the route on Ojos - he suggested we try for the summit at 13:30 after moving from Arenal to the higher camp, but couldn't provide an answer when I asked what the average time was for people to summit when leaving from the high camp. We eventually had to turn around from this summit attempt because he seriously misjudged the timing and lost the route during our ascent. After this failed attempt, he said we'd make another attempt the following morning and that it would take maybe 7 hours up and 5 hours down, meaning we'd need to leave by 8:00 at the absolute latest to make it back before dark. The next morning he was still sleeping at 7:00, and hadn't mentioned anything about departure time the night before, so I left before him and led myself up to the plateau before he caught up and we went the rest of the way together. By this point I had lost all confidence in his guiding ability, advice, and planning, so I made the decision to leave on my own for the summit because I knew he wasn't leaving me enough time by sleeping in. Other issues: every time this guide verbalized the itinerary, it was different (he was clearly very disorganized and lacked basic planning skills); this was the worst and cheapest food I've experienced on any trip. Example: after an 11-hour summit day, we had canned lentils, canned vegetables, rice, tuna, and tomatoes mixed together for dinner vs. other teams that ate grilled meat, stir fry, hamburgers, tacos, etc. There was also inadequate/low quality breakfast of cookies and cereal only, as opposed to other teams eating eggs, toast with jam & peanut butter, bread/chapati, etc.; of all the guided teams at Las Grutas, we didn't have paperwork for the car to get past the gendarmie post so we had to get a ride from someone else to Nevado (shows poor planning and logistics); pacing was not great and he was so far ahead of me most of the time that he had no idea what my pace was, not to mention this is a dangerous practice in terms of keeping an eye on your client; guide had no hand sanitizer and didn't wash hands when preparing food; guide incorrectly told me I was developing HAPE because of a cough I tend to get at altitude but my oxsat was 83% and resting heart rate was ~95 bpm at 5500 meters.


Indio was an amazing guide! I am safe and sound on the ground now :) He was very knowledgeable about the terrain and weather patterns; he changed plans, urged me to move faster accordingly. He answered all my questions and was really patient with my slowness. As for the climb, it's a great intro to Alpine world. I'm primarily a rock climber, so the ice/snow part was all new. The ice/snow part was strenuous, but doable as a completely newbie, and basically you can be pulled up or lowered if you're struggling. Approach was long, rocky, and windy. What a great experience. Highly recommend Indio and the climb!

This was truly a wonderful two days, I had one objective which was to experience altitude prior to beginning a long high altitude expedition in the coming days. Joaquin curated the two days around this objective and we headed to an area off the beaten track. I just loved this and feel so fortunate to have experienced this area, the Guanaco's were fascinating and I just loved watching them and spotting them in the mountains. Joaquin provided me with so much knowledge and useful tips to help me during my expedition. The two days ended in an unexpected storm which just added to the fun and really rounded out what was one of the most memorable hikes I have done to date. Next time I'm back in Mendoza I will definitely call on Joaquin again.

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